Some redux feedback


I started my days into computer music with Impulse Tracker more than 20 years ago. I always wanted something like Redux, as the tracker workflow has many advantages sometimes.

Long ago I was speaking and giving ideas to Chris Nash, revisit’s author, about triggering patterns (phrases) from the DAW via MIDI, having multiple outputs, etc.

Unfortunately even though Revisit’s idea was right, the implementation didn’t work out for me. I have since long ago wanted to do a version of Revisit myself (e.g. Starting from a core based on OpenMPT and seeing where it goes).

Now I’m evaluating Redux and I found that it works as it is, nice work, I pass you a list of ideas and suggestions of what I found:

  • When using modulation filters/effects there are only 3 parameters, Frequency, Resonance and Drive. A “Dry/Wet” parameter would be very useful to be able to make an effect start acting only at some points. A clear useful example is e.g. having a looped synth instrument and to make the filter start acting after the note is off while on the release phase of the amplitude envelope.

  • A trick I’m using since the stone age to make fat sounds is to place copies of the same sample at different panning points and to slightly detune each copy and maybe to slightly alterthe envelopes. If I’m using only two samples or a stereo sample I e.g. only slightly detune the left sample. Things works as-is for me, but maybe some kind of automation to allow discovering this technique to people would help your product. What I have found is that the “Finetune” adjustment is to coarse for this.

  • When working with drum kits, sometimes it would be nice to have a “mute/solo” button for samples to be able to mix the sample levels within the instrument. Now I’m workarounding this by using the volume fader.

  • When working with drum kits, it is not uncommon to have some samples of the same instrument at different velocities (hit strength). It would be nice to be able to import some samples to the same note layered by velocity on the Keyzones screen, so one doesn’t have to manually place the samples on the same note. Something similar to what “create drumkit” does on the “Y” axis (notes) but for the “X” axis (velocities).

  • On the Phrase editor the cursor position (with orange background) is constant and the pattern scrolls, this is nice for playback, but when writing towards the bottom end of the pattern makes the first rows disappear while having as much as half screen unused. This is suboptimal usage of the screen real estate. It would be nice to have a checkbox somewhere to change the behavior.

  • Related to the pattern scrolling. The most optimal setting would be to have cursor position in the middle of the pattern (or another fractional value towards the end), but it seems to be fixed at 32 rows. My screen can show 97 rows, so when writing patterns I see mostly empty rows and what I wrote before becomes hidden easily.