I can not seem to re-create this consistantly, but it does happen occasionaly.
Sometimes renoise will have complete single-click navigation.
you are on row 1 then click on row 17 with a single left-click.
The cursor goes straight to row 17
This normally requres two clicks to change rows, [realising that single-click option in renoise relates to tracks and not rows]
Has anyone had this issue and can re-create it?
TBH it is not the worst bug in the world and I would probably try to cause it if I could as I have requested this as a feature before . None the less it still seems to be a bug.
If you have single click navigation on and are in record mode I believe this is what happens. If record mode is off then you require the two click. Is this definitely what isn’t happening?
I only know as I tried the option out briefly while the manual was down and thought it was quite strange. Personally decided I didn’t like one-click navigation anyway.
Also suggested that the single click navigation should also apply to Matrix and to the Sequence Editor, which I believe it currently doesn’t.