Spitfire Audio Labs

Has anyone able to get this working in Renoise ?

The Spitfire app is located in Program files (x86).

The downloads (soft piano and strings),
I’ve placed in my documents/VST folder.

I’ve re-scanned both locations
and to no avail as to recognizing any VST’s from Spitfire.

I contacted Spitfire, and they are not familiar with Renoise.


Same issue with me. The VST never appears. Was able to use it in Reaper, but no luck with Renoise so far.

…nut gewd! :huh:

Just downloaded the app and the piano, didn’t seem to be a problem for me.

Tried the soft piano version.

Very Goood! :walkman:

Just downloaded the app and the piano, didn’t seem to be a problem for me.

Tried the soft piano version.

Just downloaded the app and the piano, didn’t seem to be a problem for me.
Tried the soft piano version.

And you were able to use it as a vst in Renoise?


I use the fairly standard c:\program files (x86)\vstplugins and c:\program files\vstplugins as my plugin folders.

It doesn’t ask in the installation but I got LABS (32bit).dll and LABS (64bit).dll in respective folder.

Interesting. I have the same thing, but Renoise doesn’t seem to see the VST.

The VST .dll gets installed in the default folder, without asking the user.

For most people that default folder is the first folder you installed a VST to, or inside a “Steinberg” folder in Program Files (even if you don’t have a single Steinberg product, since VST was created by Steinberg).


I wrote “folder”, singular, but nowadays there are 2 default folders, one for 32-bit version and another for 64-bit version.

If one installed enough VSTs, one probably saw those default folder paths multiple times, as they are usually shown as the default choice in most installers.

Otherwise I recommend “Everything” tool by voidtools to find files fast in a Windows computer.

Thanks for the replies and Spitfire Support.

Works now.

I was also getting an Error message
upon initializing a Labs Vst.

…Probably due to the incongruity
of moving Spitfire assets around,
versus the auto placement of Spitfire assets.

…I fixed this by using the Spitfire app (internet required),
clicking on the gear :gear: icon located on the bottom right
of each instrument and clicking on “locate”.


I got it working.

Renoise only allows two (!) plugin paths. I have mine set to “C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3” and “C:\Users\james\VST”.

Whenever I install a VST I always change the default to my user folder. But Spitfire offered no such option.

VST3 went into"C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3" but Renoise ignored it (does Renoise not load VST3 files?).

The other VST was in “C:\Program Files\Steinberg\vstplugins” but that’s not one of my Renoise plugin paths, and that was the DLL Renoise wanted.

So I copied the DLL into my user folder VST path and all looks good now.

Yeah it doesn’t load VST3 (yet? nudges devs) so no point wasting one of your 2(!) slots on that folder.