Spline Interpolation

after reading through the past posts I realized that the feature of derivative editing for hermite splines is already planned for future releases. I missed this feature, and I have a suggestion.

There will still remain a need for automatic derivative computation, because the user wouldn’t like to tweak all the derivations by hand all the time. Have you considered using “natural cubic splines” for this task? I don’t know if everyone is familiar with it, basically it’s a technique for computing derivatives that seeks for maximum smoothness of the spline (i.e. it makes the first and second order derivatives of the spline continuous). The algorithm has a linear complexity with respect to number of spline points.

I suggest using this instead of Catmull-Rom, because that one doesn’t work well for 1D splines with large variance and small number of knot points, which seems to be the case for volume/panning envelopes.

I can back this up only by my experience, because when I’m editing an envelope, this is the behaviour I would desire in most cases.

One thing that could pose a problem is that this flavor of splines doesn’t allow for local control, i.e. moving one point around changes the shape of the entire spline (trying to preserve high smoothness).


P.S. I found a Java applet demostrating the technique at: