I hate fruityloops.
Tried It
Hated It.
But when I downloaded the demo, there was a nice fat package of great VST’s
When you Install FL, It asks for your VST’s directory. It then add’s lots of amazing VST’s there.
So get them. You can even use FL as a VST but im not that way inclined.
I’ve never paid for a VST, and these are some of the best I’ve seen.
There’s all sorts of Icing on this Crapcake (FL). It tastes good.
Hope you paid for renoise
Amen to that!
Of course I did!!!
i can’t see why anyone would hate FL. Sure it might not be your thing for the style you want to make, but for certain styles, the program is as intuitive as it possibly can get. I don’t use it as a standalone anymore, but FL in VSTi mode within renoise is great.
well, that’s my story and i’m sticking to it.