I want to try and get some Windows VST to work on Linux. In one of the techniques it mentions that I need Steinberg SDK installed on my Ubuntu. How do I do that?
You wish to compile something? That’s where you would need the sdk for.
But I guess you want lowest hanging fruit, and just precompiled stuff you could install? maybe download this:
from here:
if you are on ubuntu.
The wine(-rt) from the kxstudio repo you said you installed in another thread - should be fine.
I would suggest you to look into/read up a bit in the internet to how wine is basically used. You would install each plugin in wine, maybe sometimes in different “prefixes” to keep them sepeared or apply different configurations. Wine simulates windows, you’d just run the installer exe with this once it is properly configured. How good it works depends on each single program or plugin, some stuff works fine, but some faction of programs can cause trouble (crash or don’t work or look properly).
You would then after installing a plugin run the airwave manager, and point it to the installed .dll files. Don’t be supprised if they take long to scan/load in renoise, some plugins could even freeze during scan, and performance is often worse than under windows.
Its been a while since I set it up on my machine, so I can’t remember everything properly now.
Another (older) way is “dssi_vst”, I couldn’t get it to work though, and airwave works for me. Kxstudio seems to want to go its carla way, so there’s yet another wine bridge. But all windows vst bridges use wine.