Sober will let you have control of your phantasy. Yes, control. While high it might seem to suddenly live, but be totally fucked up, too fast for your diminished concentration, and be forgotten before you could nail it down in a daw. And believe me, it’s all there while sober, too, just under your control of will and not as seemingly big and impressive, still the same while more humble in appearance. Idea is Idea, it can mean the same however big it is in appearance. And most commonly people will cease to work on projects all the time because of motivational problems if they try to “work” high all the time. Or go mad at some point and need a long necessary break in a psych ward. It isn’t funny at all.
If you desperately need something “new”, try meditation and not drugs, it isn’t as “easy” and will need lots of more dedication, but give better results, more of yourself, more under control.
Stimuli is love for music, the idea you’re currently transporting, inspiration by this love.
Thank you “oopsIFly” for sharing your thought’s - albeit I believe you are misunderstanding me … I DO in fact mean stimuli and all it’s varieties, not necessarily “Drugs”.
Hear me out!
I like you idea that everything is there, inherent already in the system. But we cant always access the inspiration we seek.
It is, as I slightly brushed in my original post, a great common misconception to name all substances of stimulation that is obtained in physical form; a _Drug._And again it’s the same and an even greater misconception to say that obtaining certain states of consciousness is “wrong” or “ultimately dangerous” - I understand your whole vibe, and I appreciate your “concern”, and in the meantime I do agree that many substances should be stayed clear from! - What i DO NOT appreciate is your condescending notion’s of “what I desperately need” – UNLESS, just unless, you’re really pure… i don’t know you - i wont make the mistake of blabbering like a brainless boob (lol as if) - so I’m gonna assume that you don’t eat mainstream products, don’t eat meat, gmo regulated veggies, chocolate, don’t drink alcohol, coffee, tea, water from the tap and so on and so forth. Look around you oops - and tell me what is drugs? please define that for me - if you cannot - then check this out:
I am going to introduce you to a small theory of mine, that includes the Definition of what is Drug’s and what is Medicine! to make you try and understand me, I sure hope I haven’t offended you too much - I wont be doing that anymore. Now please…
All substances of ingestion, of one way or another, be it drinking, eating, smoking or other ways, have on a variable of time, five phases. (very simplified version here)
1 - Your “idea” or “conception” of the substance
2 - The come-on’
3 - the peak
4 - the come-down’
5 - and aftermath
… so to speak
So its very simple, You gather the negative and positive effects - and put them in the variable, put them where they introduce themselfes in your experince with the substance. the amount of “time” each input sensation is measuring - thats its ultimate “value” in this system of mine, the amount of time each _sensation/emotion_or consequence fill up in the variable … Now I’ll give you a very simple example:
1: Desperate anticipations (1hrs)
2: Gloomy “happy” Extacy, Loathing(20 min.)
3: more extacy and more loathing ect. (5 min.)
4: Anxiety & restless concern (3-4 hrs.)
5: Paranoia, Physical sickness & discomfort, energy fatique ect. ect…(days)
now thats not a good one!
heres another one.
1: Unknown expectations - anxiety(1 hr.)
2: Wobbling sickness, stomach pains, womitting (3 hrs.)
3: Divine blastoff - encounter with heaven and hell (3 hrs.)
4: recollection, focus, playfull imagination, wisdom (5 hrs.)
5: a sensation of calm, a new outlook on life.(days…)
that’s a bit better…
Now you measure the positive and the negative effects.
Curiously enough - the more easy Joy and “emotional quick fixes” there is in the initial phases of you’re substance - worse it will be in the aftermath. the same on the other hand, often with initial sickness follows serenity, you see? Like all sickness is just a fight for knowledge and health - it shouldn’t be the other way around - you get me?
I hope you try and understand me - thank you
yeah i know ima sod - excuse me