Stormformer Productions

Hi everyone. I don’t want to appear too spammy here, but I’m definitely feeling proud about showing off my new website for my audio production business, Stormformer Productions! Check it out. All the hard work was done by my friend Alex Zaia, who’s recently gone freelance with web design. Well worth the investment, as I’m as good at writing code as I am with speaking Chinese.

I won’t blurb too much about what the business is all about, you can go to the site to read all about that. Basically, if you’re looking for a Producer, Mixing engineer or Mastering engineer, then I’d love to hear about your project! My approach is tailored and collaborative, and I’m always looking to deliver a result that you can walk away proud of.

Thanks for the interest. Cheers ;)

That’s awesome news, congratulations :)

GL mister, hope you’ll have success. If I end up with something worth a proper release, I’ll try you out.

Hey dude, site looks awesome and you have some really lovely gear there.

Just been checking it out and thought you’d want to know that a couple of the photo thumbnails / links on the gear page appear to bring up the wrong corresponding larger photos. The thumb of the tc audio interface links to a large photo of the hi-fi speaker / turntable and the rear view of the pc monitor / cable routing brings up a another close up of the tube preamp stuff.

Hope it all goes well and I am a huge Hunz fan so props for work you did on Thoughts that Move.

IMO the background image is too much, sometimes less is more. Good luck with your business, I know I would need your services… badly :)

Thanks for the well-wishes gentlemen! I’ll work with Alex to fix up those image links, thanks for the tip Rex. :)