Strange Headspace...

ok, so I got totally trashed last night at a party…fair enough, whatever…but now today instead of feeling hung over (which is normal) everything sounds higher pitch than normal…like, I’m listening to a song now and I could swear its at least 2 semitones higher than what it was yesterday, not faster or anything just higher…Anyone ever experienced anything like this before? its totally spinning me out…

everything went back to normal after a good night’s rest…


That has never happened to me

Must have been cool


Yes! I know exactly what you mean. Everything sounds just wrong. It has happened to me a few times, both when I was hung over or very tired.

wasnt that cool, interfered with the creative process something chronic!

I wonder what causes it…surely its not imaginary, was like something got miswired in my head for a while…

I’ve noticed something similar. Not pitchwise but speedwise. The music “feels” faster or slower than the usual bpm. Kinda odd feeling.