I’ve been using Renoise since forever, and i’m predominantly a live musician. As it is right now i use Renoise 1.5.1 with 2 midi controllers (an oxygen-8 and a trigger finger) as well as a pretty lengthy chain of midi gear.
I’ll bring renoise on stage happily, but as it is i tend to render out all tracks to ableton and perform that way instead. There’s a few simple reasons for this, and one that i’m surprised i can’t find any requests for.
Sample buffering of multiple RNS files
Loading an rns, playing it through, then loading another, as is, is a major hassle right now, simply because it takes forever. For those of us with enough ram, it’d be very very cool to be able to load a set of RNS files as opposed to just one at a time, and then switch between them sequentially somehow. Playlist functionality with a buffer in other words, if only for the samples.
Midi quantize for everything midi driven.
The one thing that makes real time recording in renoise a bitch right now is the lack of midi quantize. You produce at low speeds, every mistake stands out like a sore thumb. My suggestion for this:
A MidiQuantize metadevice that attaches to a regular dsp chain. Any midi input into that track on a specified channel is buffered and replayed according to the quantize settings set in the device, which could be a slider based on either percentage or ticks, preferably the latter. A later improvement could add a slider dictating what CC controls or note octaves to listen for
For those of you who don’t know how ridiculously convenient this is, please, try triggering a drum roll into a breakbeat that ends at exactly tick 32, and you’ll see what i mean.
Quantize is a must have for any self respecting midi sequencer, and right now i get everything midi i want out of renoise except quantize.
Mixer view
Just thought i’d poke this one a little
Midi controllable tempo
Just being able to assign a CC to bpm would make me very glad indeed
Meta instruments
Kind of high concept this, but i’d like to see a form of built in instrument that would do nothing but do certain things based on triggered notes.
For instance switching to a specific instrument and playing a specific note on C4, then switching to another and playing another set note at C#4
You get my drift. Basically being able to map several instruments to one.