Suggestion/Request: Momentary/Slider Switch for LFO's Reset and Hydra


Just a device to code…0-255 to rising-falling converter

but the pattern command is already an EVENT. seems like you’re asking for something superfluous…

if you want to retrigger an lfo with each keypress, the keytracker does that

if you want to retrigger an lfo throughout a pattern (think EVENT), the pattern command does that

if you want to scrub through an lfo on an arbitrary timescale, tie it to a macro or a hydra and use the hydra input or macro knob

if you want audio to modulate an lfo, use a signal follower

what other use case are you looking for?

A pattern command can break the workfow…simply

I’m sure my idea will be in renoise in less than 2 years…


I think there’s a misunderstanding of a unique case where this feature request maybe beneficial: resetting multiple instances of LFOs using a single DSP on multi parts of the song. Yes I agree it’s probably better to do it through the pattern editor and to be frank I’m a lazy person. Unfortunately I can’t think of any other way that a specific DSP that can send momentary switching signals to multiple LFO’s reset button other than going through a keytracker.

Just to demonstrate I prepared 2 GIFs showcasing how hydra can’t “momentarily switch” the reset button thus treating it as a slider instead:
Key Tracker Output → LFO’s Reset

Key Tracker Output → Hydra’s Input → LFO’s Reset

I’m very aware of the “don’t try to reinvent the wheel” but I’m looking through another viewpoint.

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I know I’m adding fuel
to the fire, but just to demonstrate further thatl latching mechanicisms in Renoise DSPs are slider base other than key tracker. Basically: Key Tracker → Formula → LFO. The Formula is simplistic: Y = A.


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Sure. I’ve run into this issue myself. Thanks for the clear explanation :slight_smile:
It would definitely be useful to have the input value retrigger for each event instance. I wonder if this is a bug, or intended behavior for the hydra. I, too, am quite lazy, so have worked around this by creating a couple of doofers that do what I need them to in this regard. One is an “LFO bank” which has several LFOs, each tied to a keytracker. I just drop an effect unit dsp in there (or two, or several) and can have multiple parameters retriggering with each keypress. Another is for “Macro control” which is essentially the same (8 LFOs paired with keytrackers), but has instrument macros as the modulation targets. this is super useful to place in instrument effect chains to modulate internal parameters. Greatly expands sound design possibilities. I’ll post up those doofers in this thread soon. Perhaps they will be useful to some people.

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Here are those doofers:
LFO bank.xrdp (26.3 KB)
Macro control.xrdp (28.6 KB)
All LFOs are set to random at INF LPC, so each keypress triggers a new value, once you turn the amplitude up on the LFO. Of course, you can substitute in any kind of LFO you want. I should also add that if you want to use a non-random LFO, dial the keytracker (min&) max value to zero, so that each keypress resets to zero, otherwise the reset will scale with note pitch/value.
These two doofers are a huge part of my sound design approach in renoise, and are, imo, pretty useful/powerful when you understand how to use em. Especially dropping them into the instrument effect chains! Game changing, imo.

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Hey, I figured out another way to do this!
use a keytracker to reset a random LFO at INF LPC (or whatever frequency you want) which triggers the hydra input. This will reset the hydra with a random input value with every keypress. All of the hydra outs can go to various LFO resets and you can set the reset range however you want… you can keep them random or restrict them to a range of values, or lock them to a single value… zero, or whatever you want. Easy peasy momentary LFO resets. It’s a workaround, but totally functional while we wait for new features. I imagine the principle might have some other applications, too. This doofer just has 4 LFOs, but you could up it to 9, or add another hydra and keep expanding it.
LFO bank 2 (momentary hydra).xrdp (18.7 KB)

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