Synplant 2 (must see)

Looks absolutely amazing.


Yeah I’m psyched for this :seedling:
Gotten some good mileage out of the original

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I have a billion custom made one shots,i cant wait to load them into this thing

Where to get this?

Hasn’t been released yet,although in the video it states quarter 3 of 2023,so i imagine this will be released very soon, all things going well.

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The resynthsis sounds good considering that it’s only using the build in subtractive engine , perhaps an additive engine to analyze but reconstruction is done using the va engine .
It has two osc’s capable of fm and a mulitmode morph filters ,so it might work well for sustained sounds etc …but I am curious how it will behave one more complex sounds like about speech and sounds that have lot’s of movement .
For that , multiple envelope points are necessary and synplant only has a loopable one .
Curious, but it does sound pretty good .
Big fan of everything markus does , each of his plugins are so straighforward and sound brilliant , microtonic and Cyclone are just amazing
Here is some in depth interview about synpl.2
Pretty sure it will be released the first of september , all the previous releases were alway the first day of a new month


Ridiculously cool when it struggles to mimic a sound and it comes out sounding veryyyy synthetic,i imagine it can make tons of weird sounds in an uncanny valley sort of a way.


I am so amped for this release!

I don’t really know how to feel about this synth. I watched a video with, I think it was cuckoo showcasing it, and was completely blown away… but I keep wondering how actually useful will it be, if I have to feed it a sample in order to recreate the sound then I’ve likely already created it once.I think it’s amazing tech I’m just not sure it’s for me, but then there’s the morphing stuff. I’ll be keeping my eye on it that’s for sure.

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I think the idea is to feed it unusual sonic material that you don’t know how to synthesize otherwise. Vocals, one shots, etc. I’d be curious to see how it behaves with percussion samples

Synplant is great fun if you enjoy a degree of randomness

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That’s precisely what I hated when I toyed around with it when v1 was released. Though v2 does have my attention again. Cause there is definitely also something there that I like.

You don’t have to feed it a sample ,it’s just a bonus or great starting point.
Synplant 1 was always too limited for me , and synplant 2 doesn’t bring a lot of new features to the table ( synthwise that is )but I am still curious to testdrive it .

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It would be really cool to see resynthesis functionality in Renoise. If, of course, the developers decide to explore this direction at some point. Resynthesis in a sampler is a great source of creativity, especially when it comes to morphing.


I’m for sure going to try it out, I definitely want to see how it goes about making some of the weirder stuff I throw at it. Imagine what it could do if it was an offline synth IDK sort of like Orangator maybe and it had 10+ oscillators with maybe wavetable or additive capabilities, basically a monster synth with the same type of AI figuring out how to reproduce sounds with that.

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right, that’s what makes it an interesting idea… throw it stuff it shouldn’t be able to handle and see what it can do. happy accidents and all that :slight_smile:

I use reaktor .
Set to whatever nr of voices you need , voices detemine the number of partials-filters
SPlit incoming audio with bandpass filters , send into envelope followers and trigger the corresponding Sin osc’s
Works just like a vocoder but instead of using banpass filters for the carrier qignal, you use sine osc’s
When using 128 the realsim can get pretty damn good , the voice module is so pwerfull
Here are two examples , reaktor set to 128 voices ( means 128 bandpass ilters to deconstruct the signal and 128 sine osc’s to reconstruct it )
2 examples , and when using primary it’s ony taking 3% cpu
Tweaking the envlope follower to get some smearng going on.
People should learn reaktor :slight_smile: