Hey, I recently switch from my windows to a mac computer, and there are some plugins I need to replace.
Practically have a replacement for everything. Except for a tapestop effect.
I tried to find one on the web (audio unit) but couldn’t find one, had some trouble finding a stretcher but I now stretch audio with my sampler (not the most convenient way)
I do have a tapedeck but I can’t get any tapestop/slow sounds out of it.
Also tried to do it with the 02XX command, which kind of worked.
Anyone here who has any suggestions on how I can achieve this effect?
Preferably using renoise, or a plugin in renoise.
I think you’re probably barking up the right tree with the 02xx pattern command. Try daisy-chaining chain a few together with a gradual increase / decrease in the amount of pitch slide.
You can achieve all kinds of cool vinyl / scratch / tape mangled effects just with 02xx and 01xx, if you play around with it and maybe use a high LPB setting to get finer control.
Also remember you can have more than one 01/02xx command on a line and they will both affect the sound, giving you greater than 01/02FF change per line if needed. (At least it works for other effects so assuming it applies here.)
Hey thanks for the reply, I’ll experiment some with it tonight when I get home from work.
Increasing the LPB is indeed a good idea.
Seems tapestop plugins do not exist for mac systems.
Thanks again.
This massive dblue glitch rip-off has a mac version
Yeah, effectrix is too expensive in my opinion for it being a simple step sequenced glitch tool.
I prefer a tapestop like dblue tapestop, which can be used indipenditly and also needs to be automated so I can simply turn it on/off and tweak the buttons over the patterns. Does not seem to excist.
I had a look and found this (Musolomo)
It does all kinds of stuff so it’s probably overkill for just tapestop but it’s free
I also found this (Turntablist from DestroyFX @ smarteloctronix) which is a record scratching emulation which might provide a ‘tapestop’ (or ‘deckstop’)
If you can cope with 15 minute limitations (ie have to reload) you might have a look at Augustus Loop - again overkill for just tapestop
I too am making a conversion from PC to Mac so I am on the lookout for Mac plugs atm. I’ve not tried any of the above yet as I am on my PC but I will have a look later on but I must say I am amazed that a simple plug does not exist for the Mac!
Good luck!