Tempo Automation

problems with the girlfriend ey :wink:

The only thing i can say is just enlarge the LPB and do it with that. if you want 1000BPM then multiply the LPB by 4 which is 16
16 LPB and 250bpm is your 1000 lines per minute.

Or just make it 16bpm and 250LPB (which is possible as well)
Whatever you desire to control with the pattern commands is possible, you just have to devide the LPB/BPM balance differently.

255bpm and 256 lpb is 1 MLPM.
LPB or BPM are changed on fixed moments and are hardly interpolated.
I’m sure you can use the advanced effects treasury to interpolate the BPM and LPB command effects for these purposes in these one or two patterns.

i like writing double my bpm. i use to write everything at 364.
364 / 2 = 182, 182 / 2 = 91 91 / 2 = 45.5

i could incorporate anything i needed to incorporate into my music, but i couldn’t change the bpm. first things first!