I have just bought a new tft screen with a resolution of 1280 x 1024. I would like to run an old game on it with a lower resolution. The trouble is that this monitor stretches the lower resolution to fit the screen. Ideally I would prefer to have black borders and use less of the screen for a better picture.
Does anyone know of any software / method that will allow me to do this?
on the one hand recent tft monitors do an amazing job on interpolation. you wont see much aliasing artifacts when scaling an image up to the native resolution. On the other hand you can tell windows not to scale the image but to center it using native resolution. If i recall corretly it was either the windows native driver support which offered various scaling methods or it was the nvidia driver itself…
I have been unable to locate this option, checking both windows settings and nvidia through XP control panel, any extra tips on this much appreciated if possible.
What kind of monitor is it, which manufacturer, etc.? Check if it has some kind of hardware mode especially for this. My Dell LCD has a 1:1 scaling mode which does exactly what you need - shows the image at its true resolution in the center of the screen surrounded by empty space.
Which game? Is it something very old that runs under DOS? If it is, perhaps running it with DOSBOX will provide a few extra options? Not too sure on that myself though.
I think should look into the “fullfixed=true” option a bit more. I noticed on another forum some guy said “If you use fullfix=true in DOSBox you can fix the resolution at 640x480 or 800x600 to reduce the stretching, although it’ll just occupy the middle of your monitor (you get used to it).”
damn… i could not find it now either. i am REALLY SURE i have seen this feature before. It was like 3 options to choose from : monitor scaling, graphics card scaling and no scaling.
Maybe it might help to install the correct monitor driver (no, i am not joking, is an artifact left over from win95 times where ddc was just an unsupported buzzword).