The Api Wishlist Thread

Addition of favorite/ short name name to loaded device properties:

Currently for plugin infos you can access:

[favorite_name]=> Driver
[is_bridged] => false
[is_favorite] => false
[name] => Native Instruments GmbH: Driver
[path] => Audio/Effects/VST/Driver
[short_name] => Driver

From a loaded device you can only get:

[name]=> VST: Native Instruments GmbH: Driver
[display_name]=> VST: Native Instruments GmbH: Driver
[device_path]=> Audio/Effects/VST/Driver

Would be great to have [short_name] at least for a loaded device. The main reason being that even though it is fairly simple to strip out the “/” or “:” to get the short name, I ran into a situation with the tool linked below, where cross platrorm you can have differences in name format. Just running into this again with a tool I’m working on and it creates some guessing + what seems like unneccesary extra formatting mess.

Audio Units seem to have the different formatting:


Edit: although having short_name for loaded device would be great, there is also a bug with device_path:

Turns out to be not-a-bug, but leaving link as useful:
