New Tool (3.0): Vsti From Menu

Cool script. You are really kicking ass these days.

Mac AudioUnit ids look like this:

$ rprint([1].plugin_properties.available_plugins)  
[1] => Audio/Generators/AU/aumu:AlpF:LinP  
[2] => Audio/Generators/AU/aumu:AtFr:GOSW  
[3] => Audio/Generators/AU/aumu:aut1:Alfa  

When you load them up, and populate the menus, it looks like this:

1600 AudioUnits.png

You will have to strip out the colons, as that is Renoise’s menu convention. But also, the names are ugly. :( Using the API, I don’t see a way to query the name without loading the plugin.

A tip: Instead of for VSTs = 1,1000 do, why not?

local VSTs = 1  
while[1].plugin_properties.available_plugins[VSTs] ~= false do  
 -- Your code  
 VSTs = VSTs + 1  
