The correct way for loading 16 samples directly

so, i have 16 files in a folder.
i want to load them with one click.
i.e. if renoise has 16 slots in the instrument box, those 16 samples should be loaded one per instrument box slot.
what’s the correct way of doing this?
i already know how to load one onto “current slot”, but i’d obviously prefer to be able to load all 16 at one go, without overwriting any pre-existing samples.
so “add instrument” instead of “instrument appears to whichever instrumentbox slot you’re on”.
please help?

exec open -a /Applications/ /tmp/plom_renoise_$1.wav

will load one sample. but i need to load multiple samples. what’s the right way?

selecting 6 files and throwing them into renoise just results in the last sample being opened in the instrument box slot that’s selected.

Hold left Ctrl and press Tab until the disk browser on the bottom right is selected. Hold left Ctrl and select the desired instruments in the disk browser by clicking the left mouse button. Hold the left mouse button and drag the selection to the instrument selector. This way you can load several instruments at once without overwriting anything.

It doesn’t work if you’re selecting several instruments outside of Renoise, just like within Windows Explorer or else. If you drag them from Windows Explorer to the Renoise instrument selector, only the first selected instrument will be loaded in a single slot.

i see what you’re saying, unfortunately, however, i’m trying to send them automatically from another program, instead of using the Renoise-specific Disk Browser - which I cannot control via API or via Shortcuts.

Actually, maybe there’s a way of using LUA to check a folder, and then perform a load per found sample in the folder, but i was hoping to be able to send a command to Renoise the app, with a list of wavefiles, and them being incorporated into the default song that Renoise loads when it first activates.

Ok, so the question acually is not “How can I load 16 instruments at once in the instrument selector without overwriting any slot?”. Instead it’s “How can I load 16 instruments at once automatically from another program into Renoise’s instrument selector without overwriting any slot?”. The answer is: Obviously there is no normal way, maybe not even any way. Perhaps a coder can create a tool or whatever, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Anyway, I cannot help at this point. And as soon as I hear “LUA” I’m out either way. :wink:

For the sake of completeness:
You can skip the first sentence of what I’ve described above IF you’re not using keys to navigate though your instrument folders. In this case you could select the instruments straight away and drag all of them at once to the instrument selector. But if you prefer to navigate via keys or if you would like to select all files within one folder (Ctrl + A) you need to select the disk browser first, just like described above in the first sentence.

Good luck!

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The .XRNI and .XRNS File Formats are rather straight-forward. Mostly zips and xml.
