The Hooligan: Uga Uga Dance

Finally managed to finish this. Remember its a bit tongue in cheek-made track so don’t judge too hard: Uga uga dance

though it’s really not my thing, i enjoyed this one :)
exciting selection of notes and variations you’re working with there, goa-alike, but something else as well!

nice! perfect for a classic (or other) video game soundtrack.

The melody reminds my of both Inspector Gadget and Luigi’s Mansion.

Was it made with any 3rd party plug-ins and/or samples? Or was it all Renoise samples, instruments and effects?

Glad you like it. Was a bit worried no-one will “get” the randomish note thingie.

Drums are normal samples, all the rest instruments are vst’s, mainly Sylenth1 and Z3ta+. the “uga”-sound is an instrument from Z3ta(Oaaah), couldn’t believe there was an actual use for that sound as its … weird :)

Oh how I wish they made Sylenth for my old PPC G5 Mac (it’s Intel only). The Z3ta+, is that made by the same company that makes the Zebra 2 synth (U-He)?

I haven’t tried too many of synths in Renoise yet. I’m still desperately trying to figure out how it all works. I’ve been a Digital Performer head since forever.

I stumbled upon Tracking after listening to a video game soundtrack and as I learned more about its origins, Trackers came up. I hadn’t seen a Tracker since the 80s.

Whilst looking for a Mac Tracker I could understand, I found Renoise. I had seen it before but ‘didn’t get it’. It’s a an excellent tool for taking any composer’s writing style into new directions.

I hope to post one of my attempts at tracking soon.
