'The Hum' phenomena

Anybody else have experience of this???My first time hearing it,3.40 am here in Dublin and it’s intermittent.Very very deep maybe 30 to 40 hz max.It sounds like it’s coming from the earth to me,I dunno how to describe it,it sounds massive,like it’s made by something that is colossal.Not going to lie it’s kind of creepy.You know in some movies where a gigantic monster or something is approaching and you hear this thundering sub as it walks along,it’s like that.only the duration changes.

Do you suppose it happens in the day but no one can hear it because of all the sound? I’ve read the infamous hum is due to high pressure gas lines but I don’t know for sure. I’ve heard hums over the years but I can’t tell if it’s from a nearby air conditioner or late model vehicle driving around town.

It’s possible that it occurs during the day,what’s weird though is that I could ‘feel’ it too.I live close by a main road and I am very used to road maintenance,trucks,airplane noise.This wasn’t that type of noise it was really distinct,almost like a really low 808 but less pure.Obviously I have no idea where it came from but I would tend to say it was coming from the earth,travelling through the ground.

I found a really good example of what i heard last night on youtube. Very very close,if you skip to the 1.58 mark,this is what i heard.The difference with what i heard is that the sound was in bursts and not one long continuous hum.Also the amplitude was a bit more varied but aside from all that, this is pretty much the sound.

You are in Dublin. It could be that you heard the ocean’s seismic hum that can be heard in different regions. They are generated by ocean infragravity waves propagating over a sloping ocean bottom close to the coast.

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Very interesting,thanks for that,that could be the cause,I suppose I am near enough to the sea maybe 30 minute drive…

Hey man. This sounds fucked up and probably bad for audio recordings involving any bass. Also bad for the nerves and sleep quality, high freqs you can filter out, but the sub can even travel through earbuds and you can often feel it vibrate in your guts.

So I’ve been living next to busy streets now and then, and know this is usually just vehicles rumbling along the street or railways, and then coupled with some bad resonances in your house/room that will amplify the frequency you’re hearing it at. Try making some long reverb tail with sub, and then filter and resonate just the range 30-50 hz, and you get this. I could literally feel the wodden floor vibrate when heavy trucks passed by, also with this low rumble.

So what frequency and itensity changes are there to listen to? You said it is bursts, but how often and long might point at the origin. For example streets are sometimes more busy than at other times. You might hear it more strongly than at other times, or longer and shorter, because the vehicles have different weight and speed, and they travel different paths when there are crossings near. A train or subway or whatever on the other hand would always be the same rumbling, always steady swelling in and out. A car/truck can often be abrupt when the first vibration is caused by the vehicle reaching a point where it is triggered, then to fade.

It can also be something more weird, like an old heater or ventilation device causing these noises, or really like others suggested some seismic effects.

You arent alone.

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I’ve heard of this before from this

(in case anyone wants to watch a video on it from a source other than an influencer and keep their YT clean from production music YT videos :stuck_out_tongue: )

I hear a low frequency hum at night, but am pretty sure it comes from the factory behind my house…


I actually can hear this kind of hum at night, too, but only in my city appartment. Actually one of the reasons why I escape to the outskirts all the time (thankfully I have another option to live). I know exactly how it feels after you didn’t sleep multple nights and then this hum. Can drive you crazy, really…

First I suspected massive radio/mobile polution, since just on the opposite side of the main street, there is a massive radio tower. I actually once called the authorities responsible for radio waves, because I also had some kind of high pitched transmission noise in a lot of speakers and microphones, even with disconnected earth connection.

Sadly the amount of radio waves can be extremely high in Germany, much higher than in other European countries. I read that those laws still come from early 1900s or something… In flavor of the industry, they do not change it. So they measured the total crowded maximum on all the bands in my appartment, I’ve seen it myself on the measurement display, but they said “it’s still inside norm, we can’t do anything about”. I also found out, the higher I move the microphone in my rooms, the louder the noise is. Later a new building was placed inbetween my appartment and the radio tower, and those noises are much much lower now.

Back to the hum, I first also blamed the tower, but then was thinking it has something to do with the blood flow in your head and your neck. Normally the brain will filter out such stuff, maybe it fails at circumstances. But this doesn’t explain the low, quite constant frequency. I actually hear it in kind of pulses, too, but always the same frequency, below 40Hz. And it’s on both ears, so can’t be a damage here.

When I move to the outskirts, where no other building is near and also no tower near, the hum disappears after one or two nights.

One earlier explanation could be like this: Because something in the city, the organism is quite stressed, then the brain fails to filter out blood stream noises.

I also did some recordings at night with my field recorder. Sometimes I could record that spike, but most of the time not at all. My recent theory is: It comes from the heating system in the house. As soon as the electric pumps are pushing the water from the attic to the cellar, this might cause constant, mechanical vibrations which cause the noise. I looked at these pumps, it actually runs at a constant speed. But this doesn’t really explain why I then still can hear it on the outskirts for some days… Maybe some kind of phantom repetition caused by the brain?