Anyone up for a Pattert Art Compo? If yes, then participate here NOW!
I´ll start: ptrance´s ultimative 1337 screen
hide upper and lower panels and if possible increase your resolution.
hm… we could make a pool or something after all.
Anyone up for a Pattert Art Compo? If yes, then participate here NOW!
I´ll start: ptrance´s ultimative 1337 screen
hide upper and lower panels and if possible increase your resolution.
hm… we could make a pool or something after all.
Here’s my loozer. Not as good as yours, but still I want to express my leetness
Where are the animations? (using pattern breaks and so?)
maybe you won’t apreciate the music, but you will like the lyrics for sure
they once called me “the pattern painter”. Now there is a reason
edit: forgot to say: you’d better disable pattern follow, for best results
Here’s my contribution
heck it-alien and dblue, cool stuff… particularly dblue… the continuous pattern feature makes a cool mirror effect.
here’s my stupid attempt at animation…
turn off patternfollow, and for less visual irritation, it’s best to turn off continuous patterndisplay as well.
Wow this was cool Marc, love your pong anim And dblue’s too… Have to give this a shot later…
Currently, this doesn’t make a difference in my edition though (wrap around patternedges seem always on)
I haven´t even thought about to make animations with it. Gotta try too. Nice stuff I see here already.
BTW. let me set a deadline to let this compo look like more official: 20th March 2005
Great stuff guys
Here is the attempt I have been working on since the first post
Really enjoyed all this! A “new” artform is born
Kudos to Parsec for introducing music as well!
whoops, deadline today. Let me better bump this and give you some additional time until 19:00 gmt today