The Third Renoise Longtrack Project.....

I’ve been confronted many times with messages about unfinished stuff that lays around which has some nice elements but the author lacks inspiration… I have lots of small snippets myself…

It has been a long time ago since there was a Renoise longtrack collaboration project…

I suggest that everyone who has a few unfinished snippets around and lost hope in ever finishing it, to join the project and try to intermix your part to that of the previous submitter…
We need someone to start it and then pass it on to the next one.
Since we can’t share the XRNS songs in most cases as these snippets will probably involve plugins, it might be a good deal to call the aid of our friend FLAC here to deliver us a service but then the question:where to store the ever growing file online?

If all goes well, this perhaps may turn out to become a never ending project…