The WIP thread - work In progress

Technically I don’t hear any flaws. Arrangement wise it’s also 100% synthwave. However, synthwave is one of these genres I absolutely don’t listen to. Most tracks I heard sound exchangeable.

I must have been tired, or only half-listening, when i first listened. I did not hear the lead the first time, so apologies for that. Im not sure what to suggest. I would be keen to hear it properly mixed, i think some separation between synth elements and letting each stand out based on their strengths will be better - so just polish it up mate.

Some chill stuff from me for a change.Hypnotic trance like rhythms.

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Chill stuff. :sweat_smile:
I like the atmosphere caused by those pads and stuff.

Yes, but the lead is inspired by the good old demoscene style.
I never heard that kind of lead in a Synthwave song that’s not from me.

I understand, but this applies 100% to every single genre. (Especially Reggae. :wink:)

Yes, there are six short synths in the background including some “pluckish” and “bellish” ones. Besides of panning I “highlighted” some frequencies for every single sound now (that’s what I always do), it should sound a tad better now. Especially because I checked through speakers and made a mono mix for the first time, too. Honestly mixing-wise it already sounded surprisingly good before I did that, so I didn’t have to change that much. The main problem was the ending composition-wise. Anyway, the current state sounds like this now:

I will listen to it again in a couple of days. If it still sounds good to me, I will probably release it just as it is.


Good idea with a WIP thread. Thanks TNT for that :slight_smile:

Here are some work-in-progress tracks:
(I have updated the links. Thanks to TNT for mention)

A lot is done here, but needs an ending…

Only a groove… just made this draft few days ago…

Almost completed song, but I put it away for a while… needs some more mixing and some adjustment for the piano solo notes. They are clumsy, but the idea is there.

Please comment (and listen) if you like…

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All links lead to nowhere. Are your tracks set as “private”? If yes, there’s only one way to make them playable for others. You need to click the share button on SoundCloud and copy/paste that link, otherwise it won’t work.

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Yes, they are private. I only copied the link itself…
Thanks for sorting it out :slight_smile:
Hope it works now…

Nice old school stuff, that could well be used as a movie soundtrack. Mixes are also very balanced to my ears! Production also sounds old (which is a good thing).

Not something I would buy, but I also wouldn’t switch the radio station when this is playing. :slight_smile:

Started this yesterday evening. 100% samples this time (to avoid changing things afterwards and to not going round in circles). Needs some more variations and here and there it sounds not correct. I wanted to make something in the style of Aphex Twin and failed again :rofl: Will try to increase the complexity next…

It’s not electro (except the kick pattern)… maybe one can call it IDM.


This is an almost finished track.
Should I do more on it ( or mabye even cancel and forget it :slight_smile: ) ?

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I would add more strings and/or pads, just like at 1:27.

Yes, I’ve got tons of that kind of “draft” on my drive, and some more trash. I think it has a lot of potential and of course I like that kind of Electro beat. At this point it could become an “in your face” track (with some punchier drumworks) or you could keep it chilly. It depends on you.

I’ve listened to it while I was writing, and honestly I think it’s not one song. There are two songs in one song. The first one ends at 3:53 and the second one begins just right there. Personally I prefer the “second song”, it has a good drive with that drums and that bass in combination with that pad. If you would like to keep it as one song, I would try to keep elements from the first half in the second half and vice versa. The connection between those two parts is missing imho.

Don’t you ever forget about your work! You never know what happens in future, even if you don’t like it atm. So of course, DO MORE ON IT. The piano is pretty nice and gives me 70s vibes. And the string at 1:06 just fits perfectly, it was exactly the element that was missing. The element that fills the gaps. Nevertheless some more background stuff would be nice, too.

It’s not as “electrified” as my Planet View, but it’s a similar style. I would simply call it “Electronic” or as I would write “Elektronik”. I think it’s nice and has potential. I especially like these high “bellish” synths, but I dig the instrumentation in general. And I like the bassline, too. Well done!


Thanks a lot! The bellish sounds are samples from AKWF

My latest “throw together something” track.
It is using a theme I made more that 20 years ago, but never has completed it.

Should I complete it this time ? :wink:

As Taylor Swift is currently hyped, I tried to make something with her. Acapella was made with a nice python-script called “spleeter”

added some vocal samples:

Samples from Florian Reichelt:

Not sure whether to carry on or not. Not sure of genre, probably classic electro (@TNT :rofl:) but kinda like it, kinda don’t:

Feedback welcome. Needs mixing, the kick needs more heft etc.


@BriocheBaps Mirtazapine Dream

Hm… difficult. that part sounds like a part somewhere in a track but not like a good start. If you want to keep it I would start slower by taking out the drums for example at the beginning. Or just start with the chords and slowly open the filter. The drums don’t fit very well to the rest as it is imo.

Yes, mix is quite harsh as it it, but instead of making the kick louder I would reduce the volume of the harsh parts. The resonant pad is also a bit ear piercing.

@lilith Yeah thats fair mate, its just a 16 bar loop that i doubled for the sake of sharing. I’m not massively attached to it either way, the first thing I’ve started in a very long time and I’m very rusty. Shared it for some third party perspective and feedback, so thank you.

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Yeah, you know why you used that smiley. :wink:
But if you turn it into modern Electro, I would probably like it more than classic Electro, so carry on. I like the atmosphere so far, the instrumentation is great (I love the pad). The picture also matches the sound. And while listening my mind is creating a composition automatically. It’s not appropriate to talk about mixing when it comes to a loop, so let’s focus on the composition, right? First you have to decide what atmosphere and style you want to achieve. At this point you could turn it into almost everything. If you want to keep that kind of beat, I would exchange the kick and use a long and punchy 808 instead, then you could turn that loop into a nice and soft Electronic piece. You could also put an agressive DNB beat or a lush breakbeat on top of that soft space atmosphere and create a contrast between beat and the rest. Personally I would probably change the beat and turn it into a faster and more aggressive Electro style beat. The snare that you’re already using is good and fits. Then I would add another synth bass (or an Acid bass), but a short one that has a different basic tone in comparison to the long one that you’re already using. Composition-wise those basses should complement each other, needless to say. And just like that I would add another pad. You could then begin the song with the second pad and the long bass, create the build up by adding background synths, the pad that you’re already using, Acid or bass, beat and then just go with the flow. Just my thoughts on this…

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Gentlemen, nearly finished this track

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