I’m looking around for interesting netbooks. The unit that has looked most interesting to me so far is the MSI Wind U100, with a good sized keyboard with keys located where they’re supposed to be and a clean design. It has a 10" screen, 3 USB ports, VGA, 4-in-1 card reader, wireless BGN, Bluetooth, 160GB SATA HD drive and so on. Looks sweet!
I haven’t been able to try out various brands though, so chances are I’m foolishly infatuated with this one machine in particular. Do you have any tips on other brands that may rival the MSI in terms of utility/price? There’s supposed to be an Advent-clone around for roughly £40 less or so, but it’s probably not possible to get a hold of here in Sweden.
Asus’s Eee 1000H has gotten some favourable reviews, but I’m not sure if it’s that much different from the Wind. Same thing goes for the Samsung NC10 and Lenovo IdeaPad s10. Has anyone tried these units?
the term “VGA”, mentioned in computer hardware product specifications, is related to the VGA [b]connector[/b] and not to the VGA graphics standard introduced by IBM ages ago.
so it does not imply that the maximum resolution of the output is 640x480, as you might have assumed.
hope you don’t want to buy a netbook for renosie usage.
it will run fine, that’s not the problem - but don’t expect to write halway complex music on it.
on an intel atom 1.6Ghz, only few of the demosongs will play without problems, for example.
Naah, half the fun is pushing the hardware into doing what you want it to, and making compromises
What really appeals to me is the mobile factor, being able to reach into your trusty slingbag at a whim to code/track/annotate. I got myself a “standard” 15" laptop for much the same reasons but it’s not as mobile as people would like you to believe…
I’ll buy the MSI Wind U100 netbook computer tomorrow so I’ll post a review of how well Renoise performs on it when I wake up in 2009 and the multiple hangovers are gone.
Of course, I don’t expect much from it in regard to Renoise performance. I buy this netbook for other reasons than tracking, but I’ll test it anyway just out of curiosity. Stay tuned…
Never understood the need of those netbooks. For only slightly more money one can get a halfway decent entry notebook, which has quite a bit more power under the hood. The size difference isn’t that big to care about imo.
I’ve seen a couple of netbooks in action under the hands of friends of mine.
If you have sight problems, and do not want to start having them, do not buy this stuff; man, 9" or 10" is just too few to use a tracker, and even a document editor! it’s not a matter of CPU… some of us make so basic usage of Renoise that a netbook CPU can easily afford it, but using Renoise on a 9" monitor is pure pain, no matter which is the maximum resolution; on the contrary, the more the resolution, the bigger your display should be in order to avoid sight problems.
I can’t understand netbooks in general, but indeed they have been made for net usage, which has really nothing to do with heavy multimedia applications.
Don’t be fooled by the hype, and think about what you are actually going to do with what you are buying…
That’s sound advice, thanks.
I’ve decided to try and wait a while for the next generation 'nets to come out before I decide – I’m probably gonna get one in the end anyway to sate my inner geek.
Transcender, did you sober up enough to try your new toy yet?