i’ve lurked for a bit, and i read something about how to use time signatures in renoise, but i cant find it. so renoise users, what do you have to change to get a certain time signature. theres an equation for this, isnt there?
it’s about pattern length and the relation to song speed.
at the most common speeds, 3 and 6 there are 8 and 4 LPB (lines per beat) respectively.
so at speed 3;
1 bar of 3/4 is 24 lines (18 in hex).
1 bar of 4/4 is 32 lines (20 in hex).
1 bar of 5/4 is 40 lines (28 in hex).
1 bar of 7/4 is 56 lines (38 in hex).
if speed 6 halve each pattern length.
formula is: (desired number of beats per bar) * (desired number of bars) * LPB
e.g. 4 bars of 4/4 at speed 6 = 4 * 4 * 4 = 64 (40 in hex)
e.g. 2 bars of 7/4 at speed 3 = 7 * 2 * 8 = 112 (70 in hex)
Syflom speaks the truth.
- you can adjust highlighting in patterns to maybe help you program more easily in the other sigs.
thank you!
wait, what?! where?!
check the song setting tab and play around with the ‘pattern/seq highlight’ sliders to suit your needs
hurray for thee, captain !!