I’ve used Live Lite instead of Renoise for a while and got used to how easily it adjusts samples (mostly loops) to the actual bpm of my track.
I’m slowly getting back to Renoise again, and plan to use some loops as well, however I feel a bit stuck on the way to mangle loops and longer samples to my taste and track tempo. I’ve checked some tutorials but they were all very workaroundy. I’ve tried many things, this technique comes the closest to my idea, but it is not accurate enough.
Is there a proven way of simple sample timestretching in Renoise? What’s your reccommendation?
Rule #1 in breakbeat basics: NEVER timestretch a break. Not only does it create ugly stretch artifacts, you also mash up the transients and they lose strength.
Listen to what Fanu says at 5:58
You want to do exactly what he does in the video in Ableton. Apply Ping Pong loop on the hits to make them last longer.
What about the “rubberband” tool, this won’t work realtime but should enable you to warp a sample to a specified length with almost decent (clean) quality. I haven’t tried it out yet myself, though. But I know the rubberband library, it is quite ok sound in non-realtime mode. I think you will have to keep the original at hand and redo the stretch for tempo/key changes with this approach.
Sure, percussive sounds can loose punch when pitch shifted or timestretched, though high quality offline stretching should minimise quality loss. And timestretching can be interesting for other sounds than breaks.
man i say go for the rubberband tool…and if the stretch messes up to much with the transients of your loops…just layer something with 0 sustain and release and a lilttle decay time …but theres a detailed tutorial on the vorpal sound site…for dealing with breaks in the phrase editor…using the (Sxx) command…
renoise beat sync - will just play back the sample sample faster/slower to match a speed, it will result in pitch going up/down.
proper timestretch - will use higher magic to make the sample go faster/slower while preserving the pitch as it was. higher magic will make the sound hazey, unless it is really highest magic that will cost a lot to pay the magician capable of doing it.
…its just the amount of work to do to properly chop, map and sequence a complex beat vs just rolling in a loop and then another, and mix layer the loops… I love the former, then again I have no deadlines, so…
The Lord of the Bits juz hit da nail on da head, me thinks
yeah its time consuming but if youre in this kind of music and production at least knowing how this technique works can help you improve the quality of your productions.
i personally dont use this stuff my percussion is not that complex…so i make my drum kits out of selectted samples and by layering different elements together…