are there any games you playing at the moment actually stopping you from writing tunes?
is for me!
quake 3 arena multiplayer. damn gaming haha!
anyone else?
are there any games you playing at the moment actually stopping you from writing tunes?
is for me!
quake 3 arena multiplayer. damn gaming haha!
anyone else?
I’m still waiting for Worms Armageddon 2 for PC
Team fortress 2.
Not since my 360 RRoD’d.
I’ve been burning most of my free time on Mushihimesama Futari and now Death Smiles IIX. It’s funny how consuming score-oriented games can be.
X3-Terran Conflict
Hah, Quake actually cured me from playing too much Left 4 Dead versus Now, instead of feeling obliged to not “ragequit” (and potentially playing for over an hour until the campaign is finished), I spent much less time on something way more intense XD
The pros scare me though
Red Dead Redemption 95% complete. Also, rebuilding my desktop, get paid tuesday. So I should be back at it real soon.
When i get Windows 7, i hope to be able to play Just Cause 2 one day… looks like a real fun game to me!..
Same here dude, except that I switched to Quake Live (which is almost like Quake III), it’s like a drug!
Hell yeah! I usually frag some bots to practice, but when it comes to real players … that’s another story
I’m still waiting for the new Duke Nukem
Im still waiting Worms Directors cut for pc. Everything in Worms-series since that has been utter crap.
Red Dead Redemption
It is. Extremely fun.
I’ve been playing Starcraft 2 beta for the last month or two, now it’s down probably until release (July 27).
Once you’ve seen a commentary you will want to play that game so very bad.
n+ (a bad ass ninja flash game)
Achieved 100% in Red Dead Redemption. Time to get back to my life.
AGE OF EMPIRES 3! RTS all the way bb