to developers about graphics

I wonder if something changed in renoise 3.0 that handles all things graphics …pattern follow , scopes etc…
We all know by now that I have problems with the pattern follow …
So could one of the developers tell me if something changed under the hood .;I think I have the right to know


and please no comments about my old toaster pc

A lot of things have changed in the graphic area, for most as well for the layout which is makes it inevitable to also do optimizations to make things work and yes it might also break things on specific hardware setups. i doubt the exact details of what changed would give you any better ideas of what change might have affected your setup.
If the devs would have known the cause of your (and other people’s) issues they really would have explained you and i can assure they will when they do figure out. For as long as the devs cannot reproduce these issues they will need to figure this out first, so just have patience please.


Do you still have the same problems with the GUI in the latest 3.0 RCs?

One more thing that could cause such troubles are Renoise Lua tools, when they are doing heavy processing in the the background in the GUI. This may not be noticeable on fast computers, but can make quite a big difference on slow ones.

Noticed recently that xrns2xmod constantly crawls the song for tempo change commands (and other things), even when its GUI is not open. This should be fixed, avoided, was just an oversight of Zenon the author of the tool I’d guess.

So if you still have troubles with the GUI in r3, then please try if disabling all tools in “Tools” -> “Tool Browser” fixes this…

downloading rc now …haven’t had time to check …
Altought I never used the lua tools in the past …

wil report soon

more or less he same …;around 40%cpu gui becomes kinda sluggish …;
Still , recording from computer keyboard is still verry laggy ( when above 30% cpu ) compared to renoise 2.8 .
Recording with midi controller no problem …
Could you shed some light taktik as to why this has changed …is renoise handling keyboard inut differently compared to 2.8 ?

Renoise 3 goes gold …great…the thread got locked …
I ostaret a new one …Still I would like some info about this …

recording from computer keyboard is still verry laggy ( when above 30% cpu ) compared to renoise 2.8 .
Recording with midi controller no problem …
Could you shed some light taktik as to why this has changed …is renoise handling keyboard inut differently compared to 2.8 ?

still curious …

Yes I’ve noticed that this operation can slowdown pattern editing, so I will disable on the next tool release

Tool was updated and all heavy routines were removed