Small bug I noticed today. I loaded one of the preset phrases (“Arp” > “Jupiter”), edited it a little, and noticed that if I turn the sample column on, then off again, some notes are changed. See attached image. I’m also attaching the phrase preset (edited version) just in case. Hope this is clear, pretty sure the GIF demonstrates the problem. For context: only one instrument loaded, no other phrases, nothing in the pattern editor – just a single instrument with this phrase attached to it. The only note that changes is the A#4 to A#1 (both times it appears in the phrase). Thanks, guys.
Edit: can report I’ve seen this is other phrases (after testing just now), in fact it happens quite often. Drops certain notes up to three octaves.
The notes must be changed, so that the same sample is going to be played at the same pitch with the columnenabled. If the phrase sounds the same as it does without the sample column enabled, that’s perfectly fine - it would be a bug if it does not change the notes.
Enabling the sample column bypasses the sample keyzones. So it also bypasses transpose settings from the keyzone and is playing the sample as it is.
This doesn’t really make sense for a multisampled “single sound”. It does make a lot of sense for for example drum kits, as you then can freely transpose every single sample in the set. With a drum kit keyzone you can play it with/at a single note only.
To make a bit more clear what it does, try enabling the sample column on this drum-kit (this is a kit from Redux).
In phrase 0, enabling the sample column will change most notes to C-4s, cause that’s how a drum kit keyzone usually is set up: play each note at its original pitch at different keys. It’s not using a C-4 for the base-drum, cause the keyzone has transposed the kit (Kick at B-2 is using a base-note of C-4, transposing it down).
With the sample column you can now play every single drum at any pitch in the phrase.
Ah OK, taktik, thanks for clarifying, that makes sense. I only noticed it because I was messing around with phrases in a big multi-sample instrument to see how the phrase would sound on a single sample, just out of curiosity. Thanks also for the example, interesting stuff.