CollectSamples.xrnx' failed to execute in one of its menu entry functions.
Please contact the author Tristan Strange for assistance…
std::logic_error: ‘can not copy a sliced sample to another sample. copy the whole instrument (to copy the slices as well) or only the raw sample data instead.’
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘copy_from’
main.lua:79: in function ‘copy_sample_mappings_to_new_instrument’
main.lua:103: in function main.lua:102
would it be possible to render fx chains for samples as well, or would this be a whole other sort of tool? As it is, this tool seems useful for collating source sounds, but seems to ignore processing of samples… I could see there being some serious utility for a tool that made renders of each track in pattern or pattern range, then sliced them at their note positions.
But maybe this tool is already doing the trick for which it was requested
The tool so far is acting exactly as i requested,if tris feels like it,he could add on whatever he likes to this tool however i would request that the ‘copy all used samples from pattern to new instrument’ is left in its simplicity,this is the most important thing to me.
I am curious if there is a workaround for this error. As far as I know, this is due to a limitation in the Lua API that doesn’t allow to copy sliced sample aliases.
I’d also suggest creating the new instrument in the next available instrument slot, instead of the last one, if possible, and adding a placeholder instrument name
Seeing how this idea comes to fruition is great. Perhaps some kind of bounty system imbedded to the forum would be cool for these kind of threads? If another forum member would want to add to the total amount of the bounty for an idea, he/she could add. Adding to the incentive for an idea.