i’m sorry i don’t speak english verry well and to bad in drawing!!!
track select : each track as their “preset memory” like an nrpn
the block looping is the same system that the master pattern block looping but independant for each track!!!
loop is time signature loop length not in hexadecimal
but like 1/4 2/4 3/4 7/4…
like 32 steps 64 step …but syncronious in time with the " master general clock"
i think the basic idea behind what you are suggesting has been discussed under the “Arranger” category of feature requests.
As far as i know this a somewhat popular thought, and may show up in a future version of the software. i have nothing to do with the development though, so i could be off base with that prediction.
I think the only problem I have with Renoise is the fact that the track colum background colours cannot be customised. Different shades per track would make it so easier to navigate through tunes. I always use the track labels at the top but its still not intuitive - lots of black columns and numbers keep the appearance of the program like a hex editor.
Please guys, lets have some track background colour customisation. That can’t be a difficult feature to add surely?? (Says me, a developer).
but I would wish that with would come the ability to select multiple tracks, to set the color for them, or to mute them, turn them off, move them around, etc.
right now there is no way to “select” a track except putting the edit cursor there, and that needs to change IMHO. not to hijack this, just a note, I think I suggested this a while ago.