Track Of The Day

let´s get the ball rolling allso in here. it´s quit interesting to take a peek what kind of music ppl use to listen. mine shouts for today goes:

ozric tentacles - chewier

always thought that they only have that atmospheric elevator stuff but this one is some really serious shit! ten points!

I´m quite surprised by myself, because I really like Britneys toxic track. I think its one of the best pop tunes I have heard in a very long time. My friend think its just commercial pop, but I don’t agree, commercial in that it’s good and that Britney is the singer, but the tune itself is more like it could have been made by chemical brothers…

I also happened to look at the finalist for the Eurovision Song contest, and I acctually liked three contributions! I have never liked any contribution to the ESC ever (okey I did like some when I was a child).
It was turkeys contribution, poland and germany.

Turkey had fixed a group to represent them.

Maybe I should start another topic about Esc…

splajn, you’re not the first person who has had an identity crisis upon discovering that they actually like something by Britney Spears. Indeed, “Toxic” is pretty good. (And unsurprisingly, I also know someone who genuinely enjoys Britney Spears in general, but doesn’t like “Toxic”. It’s definitely an atypical Britney track).

weird sense of humour you have…but cos it´s SUMMER - I FEEL LOVE!!! 8)

i mean in Donna way…heh

aphex twin’s my man these days. been listening to the richard d. james album. it definitely goes in my top 10 of all time.

has anyone ever heard of The Boredoms?

yep, great shit…but for better stuff check out AoA, same guys but without that freaky eye

…actually, shouts for whole month goes to Japanese stoner rock stuff. have lately listened it alot…mayby too much…and i just can´t get enough of it!

The last song I heard that I really, really, REALLY liked was “Air - Cherry Blossom Girl”

you should check out Acid Mothers Temple

they’re crayzee. lot’s of good stuff out on vinyl

wow dude! respect for you…that was too freaky even for me :D

but let´s keep party on with wonderground freestyles

soft - tokyo afro hair

one of the great artists, more than worth for check out


Maybe not underground, but very good tunes!
Its a new swedish band that make rock music inspired by computer games, definatly worth a listen.

Well isn’t that Dr. Awezome?

muahahhaahha, missy elliot - get your freak on!

Nope, they are just sold through his site…
There are lots of demo scene musicians that are sold through his site…

ah, ok.

Go here for Machinae Supremacy’s official webpage. They have a lot of downloadable songs there too :)

The Great Giana Sisters

good stuff :drummer:

:yeah: giana sisters hell yeah! :lol:

amon tobin - nightlife