Track presets - idea

Maybe I’m getting lazy on my old days but hey…

We have all made the perfect track for some instrument and want to reuse it later, the device chain is obviously tailored to the instrument so wouldn’t it be nice to have the ability to save a track with its devices and instruments used in the track and maybe just the currently selected pattern notes.

Maybe even save a whole group of tracks as a preset would be cool and then a nice way of organizing these presets… maybe we could make this as a tool but then it should be possible to save to disk?

so what you’re looking for is a combined XRNI + Track DSP Device Chain loader?

sounds good. do you have an example of an XRNI and a track DSP Device Chain you wanna share? i could script this.

p.s. saving XRNI + XRNT is no big deal within a tool.

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I don’t get it. If you’re planning to use it later on in the same song, the suggestion doesn’t make sense. If you want to use it later on in another song, saving as a song is already possible. That’s how I do it btw. Or maybe I’m missing something here… :wink:

Yeah, it’s like saving a complete setup of a sound you have made. Actually I guess I could script it too and will probably do so … unless you wanna have a go, then you are very welcome :slight_smile:

@TNT it’s presets you can use in new songs, I want to save some cool carefully crafted Brass jabs, basses, Leads etc… You can’t use saving as a song when you are in the middle of composing a song and need one of these presets.

But you were talking about tracks effect chains tailored to a specific instrument. So what if the istrument is a VSTi? How you would like to save it including the Renoise track effect chain if not as an own song? As a xrni? In this case the sound would differ in comparison to the original VSTi either way.

You mean in case you’re composing and then you’re remembering your track effect chain combined with a specific instrument that you’ve created sometime somewhere in the past, and you want to use it for the current song? Ok, I get the idea. What I was talking about is if you just have created an instrument that has a specific track effect chain, but it somehow doesn’t fit to your current song, then you could clear everything else and save it as another song to work on it later on. Afterwards you could continue composing your current song.

Anyway, do what you gotta do, man. :slightly_smiling_face:

The implementation of this idea could make that possible in a form that could be applied. I am hopeful that it will.

Yes, it’s like a container with a VST preset and Device chain, and maybe the notes of the track in the pattern you are in when saving a preset.

you can’t load a xrns into another xrns.

but if you have a tool with a dialog with say, slot1 which contains a link to xrni, a link to xrnt
and you press button “load slot1” - it creates a new instrument slot, loads the xrni, creates a new track, and loads the xrnt.

that means you’ve loaded both the instrument and the corresponding track dsp chain.

and the instrument could consist of anything. samples, slices, vsti/plugins, midi devices (midi output).

it’s on my todo-list.
i’ve already scripted a device chain loader, but i only have one device chain in it right now. i’m using it with keyboard shortcuts. so i press a keyboard shortcut, and a devicechain is loaded.

if you have any example xrni + device chains you’d like to provide, i could knock up a demo.

it would

  1. create a new instrument slot
  2. select it
  3. load xrni into it
  4. create a new track
  5. select it
  6. load xrnt into it

and name them accordingly.

this is already something i have in my freeze&flatten script, so it’s trivial to do. just send me a dm with an example xrnt and xrni, and i’ll get cracking.

a “this is the sound i want” situation consists of

  1. a vstplugin / samples instrument
  2. a track with the required trackdsp devices in a certain configuration.

both can be saved and loaded separately.
but. they COULD be loaded with one button.

that would reduce the amount of clicks required. could also randomize which devicechain is loaded, if there’s a selection of multiple devicechains, for unexpected results.

i can also introduce a 10% randomize to the device chain devices, or a 2% randomize, to slightly alter how the devicechain sounds on every load. as an option.

think of it like a instrument+trackdsp format. let’s. call it .xrnit for laughs. so you load a .xrnit and it’s the .xrni and the .xrnt in one go.

but you load it with a midibutton or a shortcut or a gui button.

Just make up something :wink:

There should be a nifty little preset manager with Add, Load and Remove right?

If you make it and need a hand then let me know, maybe I can be helpful with something

No one talked about loading a song into a song. :wink:

Does this only work if you’re saving the created VST instrument as a VST preset first, or does the tool “save” all the settings for you (like Renoise does when you’re saving a song that includes X VST instruments)? Like ADSR, LFOs, Filter settings, effect chains within the VST including all the settings of every effect device etc.?

Surely xrni saves the plugin parameters / settings. Why would it not?