Track Volume After Rendering

Hi. I’ve finished my midi work in Renoise and I’m wanting to import the rendered tracks into Cubase (please don’t get upset - Renoise is awesome but I prefer recording guitar takes in Cubase).

What I’ve noticed is that there seems to be a drop in volume when I render this way. I noticed the same thing when I did a quick mixdown to listen to my track on a CD too. Is this normal? Whats the reason for this?

I’m just wondering if I should be boosting the amplitude in Cubase, or whether or not its done on purpose as a popular method in mixing/mastering - things I know little about at the moment.

Any ideas?


Renoise renders with a 6db headroom to allow mixing and mastering outside Renoise without data-loss that may occur by unforeseen clipping.

If you know for sure that you have mixed down your song inside Renoise adequately enough, you can add a gainer on the master and let it add 6db to the feed, or raise the output by 6db in a wave-editor or application that allows volume ramping / normalizing.

Thanks Vv. Yeah I’ve been having some problems trying to mix my lead guitar with the Renoise tracks so I’ve saved a copy with all of the Renoise EQ and volume settings turned off so I can mix them all in one place.

6dB? I suppose I should really be reducing my guitar work by 6dB as well before I start the mixing again. So I take it the general way of doing things is mix at this level and once the mix is done, bring it all back up in the mastering stage?

No that should not be necessary (if you are not recording in Renoise), if you turn up the Renoise master output by +6db, the output should blend into your other applications where you recorded your live stuff. (i guess you multi mixed using ReWire?)

Multi mixed using ReWire? Sorry, that went right over my head. No, all I’m doing is exporting my 8 or so Renoise tracks as WAV and importing them into Cubase SX 3 There I’m just playing around with all the free EQ plugins etc that I’ve accumulated with the Computer Music magazine. :slight_smile: Oh… and Guitar Rig for my guitar. Nothing special really. I haven’t even went anywhere near side-chaining or anything like that. Its all new to me! :)