I’m trying to create a keyboard shortcut that would let me take a currently selected set of notes, copy them to clipboard, create a phrase of that selection length, paste the content in, and write the instrument phrase onto the pattern editor. how would i go about copying from the pattern editor to the phrase editor and setting the phrase editor length to be that?
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You can look at these functions that I write several months ago. I would probably write it differently now, but here we understand how to translate data between patterns and phrases:
--pattern & phrase export
function pht_patterns_track_to_phrases()
local x = os.clock()
local ssi = song.selected_sequence_index
--sequence range selection
local value_a = song.sequencer.selection_range[1]
local value_b = song.sequencer.selection_range[2]
local phra = #song.selected_instrument.phrases
--print( "value_a:",value_a,"value_b:",value_b )
local value_c = value_b - value_a
local str = song.selected_track
if ( #song.instruments <= 255 ) and ( value_a > 0 ) and ( value_c + phra <= 126 ) and ( str.type == renoise.Track.TRACK_TYPE_SEQUENCER ) then
--locals for pattern properties
local pt_vnc = str.visible_note_columns
local pt_vec = str.visible_effect_columns
local pt_vcv = str.volume_column_visible
local pt_pcv = str.panning_column_visible
local pt_dcv = str.delay_column_visible
local pt_ecv = str.sample_effects_column_visible
--select phrase editor
local phrase_editor = renoise.ApplicationWindow.MIDDLE_FRAME_INSTRUMENT_PHRASE_EDITOR
if ( rna.window.active_middle_frame ~= phrase_editor ) then
rna.window.active_middle_frame = phrase_editor
--iterate the range (1 until 126 phrases)
local phri = phra + 1
local pt_nol
for i = 0, value_c do
local idx = i + phri
song.selected_sequence_index = value_a + i
if ( PHT_PHRASES_NOL.value == 0 ) then
pt_nol = song.selected_pattern.number_of_lines
pt_nol = PHT_PHRASES_NOL.value
--insert new phrase & clear first each phrase
song.selected_instrument:insert_phrase_at( idx )
song.selected_phrase_index = idx
--phrases equal pattern-tracks
local sph = song.selected_instrument:phrase( idx )
local pt_tr = song.selected_pattern_track
sph.number_of_lines = pt_nol
sph.visible_note_columns = pt_vnc
sph.visible_effect_columns = pt_vec
sph.volume_column_visible = pt_vcv
sph.panning_column_visible = pt_pcv
sph.delay_column_visible = pt_dcv
sph.sample_effects_column_visible = pt_ecv
for ln = 1, pt_nol do
local ph_ln = sph:line( ln )
local pt_ln = pt_tr:line( ln )
if not ( pt_ln.is_empty ) then
--for note columns
for nc = 1, 12 do
local pt_nc = pt_ln:note_column( nc )
local ph_nc = ph_ln:note_column( nc )
if not ( pt_nc.is_empty ) then
ph_nc.note_value = pt_nc.note_value
ph_nc.volume_value = pt_nc.volume_value
ph_nc.panning_value = pt_nc.panning_value
ph_nc.delay_value = pt_nc.delay_value
ph_nc.effect_number_value = pt_nc.effect_number_value
ph_nc.effect_amount_value = pt_nc.effect_amount_value
--for effect columns
for ec = 1, 8 do
local pt_ec = pt_ln:effect_column( ec )
local ph_ec = ph_ln:effect_column( ec )
if not ( pt_ec.is_empty ) then
ph_ec.number_value = pt_ec.number_value
ph_ec.amount_value = pt_ec.amount_value
song.selected_sequence_index = value_b
song.selected_phrase_index = 1
song.selected_instrument.phrase_playback_mode = renoise.Instrument.PHRASES_PLAY_KEYMAP
local val_c = value_c + 1
pht_change_status( "All the patterns-track "..("(%.3d)"):format( val_c ).." of sequence range are exported into "..("%.2X (%.3d)"):format( val_c, val_c ).." phrases of selected instrument." )
if ( value_a == 0 ) then
song.selected_sequence_index = ssi
if ( value_c + phra > 126 ) then
pht_change_status( "Impossible export. Select first a sequence range (until "..("%s"):format( 126 - #song.selected_instrument.phrases )..") and a track or select another instrument!" )
if ( str.type ~= renoise.Track.TRACK_TYPE_SEQUENCER ) then
pht_change_status( "Impossible export. Select first a track!" )
--print( string.format("elapsed time: %.4f ms", ( os.clock() - x ) * 1000) )
function pht_pattern_track_to_phrase()
local pattern = song:pattern( song.selected_pattern_index )
local pt_nol
if ( PHT_PHRASES_NOL.value == 0 ) then
pt_nol = pattern.number_of_lines
pt_nol = PHT_PHRASES_NOL.value
local str = song.selected_track
local pt_vnc = str.visible_note_columns
local pt_vec = str.visible_effect_columns
local pt_vcv = str.volume_column_visible
local pt_pcv = str.panning_column_visible
local pt_dcv = str.delay_column_visible
local pt_ecv = str.sample_effects_column_visible
--if not phrase, create a phrase and select it
if ( song.selected_phrase == nil ) then
song.selected_instrument:insert_phrase_at( 1 )
song.selected_phrase_index = 1
--show phrase editor and duplicate pattern-track to phrase
if ( str.type == renoise.Track.TRACK_TYPE_SEQUENCER ) then
local phrase_editor = renoise.ApplicationWindow.MIDDLE_FRAME_INSTRUMENT_PHRASE_EDITOR
if ( rna.window.active_middle_frame ~= phrase_editor ) then
rna.window.active_middle_frame = phrase_editor
local sph = song.selected_phrase
local spt = song.selected_pattern_track
sph.number_of_lines = pt_nol
sph.visible_note_columns = pt_vnc
sph.visible_effect_columns = pt_vec
sph.volume_column_visible = pt_vcv
sph.panning_column_visible = pt_pcv
sph.delay_column_visible = pt_dcv
sph.sample_effects_column_visible = pt_ecv
for ln = 1, pt_nol do
local ph_ln = sph:line( ln )
local pt_ln = spt:line( ln )
if not ( pt_ln.is_empty ) then
--for note columns
for nc = 1, 12 do
local pt_nc = pt_ln:note_column( nc )
local ph_nc = ph_ln:note_column( nc )
if not ( pt_nc.is_empty ) then
ph_nc.note_value = pt_nc.note_value
ph_nc.volume_value = pt_nc.volume_value
ph_nc.panning_value = pt_nc.panning_value
ph_nc.delay_value = pt_nc.delay_value
ph_nc.effect_number_value = pt_nc.effect_number_value
ph_nc.effect_amount_value = pt_nc.effect_amount_value
--for effect columns
for ec = 1, 8 do
local pt_ec = pt_ln:effect_column( ec )
local ph_ec = ph_ln:effect_column( ec )
if not ( pt_ec.is_empty ) then
ph_ec.number_value = pt_ec.number_value
ph_ec.amount_value = pt_ec.amount_value
song.selected_instrument.phrase_playback_mode = renoise.Instrument.PHRASES_PLAY_KEYMAP
local sphi = song.selected_phrase_index
pht_change_status( "Selected pattern-track exported in the selected phrase "..("%.2X (%.3d)"):format( sphi, sphi ).."." )
function pht_phrase_to_pattern_track()
local str = song.selected_track
local sph = song.selected_phrase
if sph == nil then
rna.window.active_middle_frame = renoise.ApplicationWindow.MIDDLE_FRAME_INSTRUMENT_PHRASE_EDITOR
pht_change_status( "The export operation is not possible. Create a phrase first or select an existing!" )
local ph_nol = sph.number_of_lines
local ph_vnc = sph.visible_note_columns
local ph_vec = sph.visible_effect_columns
local ph_vcv = sph.volume_column_visible
local ph_pcv = sph.panning_column_visible
local ph_dcv = sph.delay_column_visible
local ph_ecv = sph.sample_effects_column_visible
if ( str.type == renoise.Track.TRACK_TYPE_SEQUENCER ) then
rna.window.active_middle_frame = renoise.ApplicationWindow.MIDDLE_FRAME_PATTERN_EDITOR
song.selected_pattern.number_of_lines = ph_nol
str.visible_note_columns = ph_vnc
str.visible_effect_columns = ph_vec
str.volume_column_visible = ph_vcv
str.panning_column_visible = ph_pcv
str.delay_column_visible = ph_dcv
str.sample_effects_column_visible = ph_ecv
local in_ph = song.selected_phrase
local pt_tr = song.selected_pattern_track
for ln = 1, ph_nol do
local ph_ln = in_ph:line( ln )
local pt_ln = pt_tr:line( ln )
--for note columns
for nc = 1, 12 do
local pt_nc = pt_ln:note_column( nc )
local ph_nc = ph_ln:note_column( nc )
if not ph_nc.is_empty then
pt_nc.note_value = ph_nc.note_value
if ( pt_nc.note_value < 120 ) then
pt_nc.instrument_value = song.selected_instrument_index - 1
pt_nc.volume_value = ph_nc.volume_value
pt_nc.panning_value = ph_nc.panning_value
pt_nc.delay_value = ph_nc.delay_value
pt_nc.effect_number_value = ph_nc.effect_number_value
pt_nc.effect_amount_value = ph_nc.effect_amount_value
--for effect columns
for ec = 1, 8 do
local pt_ec = pt_ln:effect_column( ec )
local ph_ec = ph_ln:effect_column( ec )
if not ph_ec.is_empty then
pt_ec.number_value = ph_ec.number_value
pt_ec.amount_value = ph_ec.amount_value
local sphi = song.selected_phrase_index
local spi = song.selected_pattern_index -1
local sti = song.selected_track_index
pht_change_status( "Selected phrase "..("%.2X (%.3d)"):format( sphi, sphi ).." exported in the selected pattern-track "..("(pattern: %.3d - track: %.3d)"):format( spi, sti ).."." )
You can define the range of lines of the selection before: end_line - start_line
-- Read/write access to the selection in the pattern editor.
-- The property is a table with the following members:
-- {
-- start_line, -- Start pattern line index
-- start_track, -- Start track index
-- start_column, -- Start column index within start_track
-- end_line, -- End pattern line index
-- end_track, -- End track index
-- end_column -- End column index within end_track
-- }
-- Line indexes are valid from 1 to renoise.song().patterns[].number_of_lines
-- Track indexes are valid from 1 to #renoise.song().tracks
-- Column indexes are valid from 1 to
-- (renoise.song().tracks[].visible_note_columns +
-- renoise.song().tracks[].visible_effect_columns)
-- When setting the selection, all members are optional. Combining them in
-- various different ways will affect how specific the selection is. When
-- 'selection_in_pattern' returns nil or is set to nil, no selection is present.
-- Examples:
-- renoise.song().selection_in_pattern = {}
-- --> clear
-- renoise.song().selection_in_pattern = { start_line = 1, end_line = 4 }
-- --> select line 1 to 4, first to last track
-- renoise.song().selection_in_pattern =
-- { start_line = 1, start_track = 1, end_line = 4, end_track = 1 }
-- --> select line 1 to 4, in the first track only
-> [table of start/end values or nil]
much appreciated, raul will give it a whirl! have a good rest of the weekend!
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