i just came upon this term and it seems useful in production…but i have no clue what it is apart playing with the attack and release of a drum. could some1 tell me a bit more about it?
and how to achieve it in renoise easily, without using vsts (im liux based)?
im using a high lpb. and shape the drums with commands in the vol. column.
e.g. to make a snare more snappy im lowering the tail with some volume commands.
I’ve been using the multiband version of Waves Trans-X for quite a while (great for bringing out snaps in sounds within the range you want it) but that one is VST of course. I also hear there are more and more good plugins for this now, with some more creative settings. I’d really like to learn more about the alternatives for transient shaping, got any other good suggestions people?
Regarding just doing it in Renoise natively, my personal favourite method is the instrument envelope volume curve, because you can select the slope of the transient by hand to fit the sound. Just wish it had a bit more resolution available, for quicker snaps when needed.
apropos the volume envelope… imagined that a sine bass didn’t go quite quiet last night when i zeroed the volume envelope after a short attack. was a faint signal there… or maybs i was too tired or something.
would be nice if one could recall a preset envelope from the pattern editor.
Transient: The attack portion (the initial hit, before the decay, sustain, or release) of a sound
Transient shaping is used to define or suppress the attack of a sound, so as to make the sound more or less aggressive. I typically use Voxengo GlissEQ as a multiband transient shaper… though its not meant as such, it does a beautiful job at it with the right settings.
yep,and more, if you have a snare sample thats got a really long tail, and you want it more snappy, automate volume to cut it off quickly.compressors can also mangle you transients, if you play with the attack and release values. Superior Drummer, a great vst drumkit, has an ace “Transient Shaper” plugin, by sonalkiss i think. it has two knobs. if you turn the attack up, it will boost the initial volume of the drumhit, turn it to a minus value, and it slows the volume rise of the drumhit. turn sustain down and the volume of the drumhit drops off, turn it up and the drumhit will ring on and on and on and on.(i mean seriously, this thing rocks.)
thanks guys! so its basically what i tought. basically since you really have renoise’s intrument editor in hands, you’re actually transient-shaping then!