For about 10 years now I’ve been using FL studio for everything― I’ve gotten to the point where it’s rather hard to tell that my music is made in FL, but the list of annoyances and downsides has grown larger in the process. I decided to abandon it entirely in favour of Renoise, so I got a copy yesterday and here I am!
I’m very, very excited to have made this switch, but I’m also a bit nervous― I’ve still been trying to get used to it, as it’s a very big transition for me. Even after watching all the tutorial videos and reading the manual, it’s still feeling very foreign to me. Are there any other former FL users who have some tips on making the big switch?
Thank you!!
(forgive me if posts like this exist, if so I had trouble finding them)
I’ve used fl studio before. it’s easy to use renoise, don’t worry about it. the pattern matrix is similar to the pattern blocks in FL (if that still exists, been a while since i used it). the mixer is similar but in FL the mixer channels were specific to instruments, in renoise the mixer channels are per track - and you can have more than one instrument per track. Automation is a bit different but easy to understand. Just think of the pattern editor as a vertical step sequencer. easy peasy.
but the list of annoyances and downsides has grown larger in the process
Every DAW has its annoyances and downsides. Migrating to another program may eliminate all the downsides you’ve had your eyes on before, but it will inevitably create new deficits as soon as you get into it. That’s why the most important thing about using DAWs is to be content with the workflow that your program of choice offers and to embrace all the deficits and lack of features. Eventually you will learn how to work around the downsides while appreciating the positive things and the overall efficiency of the DAW.
Having said that, what made you choose Renoise out of all? Why not Reaper, Ableton, Logic, etc. ?
Having said that, what made you choose Renoise out of all? Why not Reaper, Ableton, Logic, etc. ?
Tons of things. It seems that once you get used to it, you can plot down songs in no time, thanks to the fact that pretty much everything has a keyboard shortcut. Trackers seem to be especially great for sequencing drums and having complete control over tiny details, Renoise in particular.I love the idea that, like FL studio, I could sequence my hardware with it and then record it into Renoise for further processing, as well.
Renoise forces you to work organically rather than in repetitive blocks, a shortcoming of FL studio. The ‘FL Studio Sound’ also exists, and while it is possible to get around, FL almost certainly has some sort of under-the-hood compression/EQ that cannot be changed.
Plus, Venetian Snares, Aphex Twin, and Autechre - not my main reason for transitioning of course, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to know they use it
I don’t understand why you would want to 100% switch daws, especially after spending years with it / being fluent in fruity . Maybe using redux in Fl Studio would be a better option getting acquainted to the tracker paradigm using phrases?