Trouble Linking Bassynth To Renoise (I watched the tutorial)

I’m having trouble linking the plugin Bassynth by Wave Alchemy to Renoise. I watched the plugin tutorial and everything seems to be set up correctly in the plugin preferences and I’m pretty sure I made the file pathways correct. My setup is in the attached photo to further convey my problem. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

Screenshot (2)

What so of trouble are you having?
Difficlut to determine the issue from the image.

BTW, perhaps this would help:

–Basssynth sounds like a VSTi.
–That would be loaded into the instrument tab, accessible after double-clicking an empty instrument slot.

It’s a Kontakt library as it seems.
Load Kontakt, open gui, load bassynth from there.

So the issue is that the plugin just won’t load into Renoise, under the plugins dropdown menu it shows no results. I’m a total noob when it comes to using Renoise, could you please post an image of what you mean regarding the instruments? All I’m seeing is the instrument tab with options to use other instruments sans Bassynth.

Bassynth runs through Kontakt which launches the plugin outside of Renoise.

When you say “load bassynth from there” do you mean loading it from Kontakt into Renoise or the other way around? I think I can figure it out, I’m just getting used to the GUI of it though. I’m not sure how to use the program fully.

When you open Kontakt in stand-alone mode (outside Renoise), can you then see Bassynth?

Yes I see it in the Kontakt player and I can access it.