Ubuntu Graphics Problem

Been trying to work through this posting on Ubuntu, Notebook Review and Nvidia’s forums but so far no success.

Can limit the amount of tearing by using a Nvidia driver (currently have 195 installed but most seemed the same out of the ones I tried (173, 185, 195.) Turning on Desktop Effects, so that Compiz comes into play, then setting the VSync on Compiz settings reduces it to the least I’ve seen. This does make the cursor in the sample editor move quite jerkily and not sure if that is even more distracting. If multiple notes are playing at once (chord or layered beats of same sample) then I seem to notice actual tearing again.

Tried to take a screenshot but it came out even worse than I ever see it. I generally only get a single split in the location bar or a pixel or two wide (at least when playing at a speed which is noticeable.) Still here is a clickable screenshot that over-emphasises the problem.

Anybody got any ideas on what may help me solve this?

Also been getting really bad tearing in video playback, but that’s less of a surprise, and I haven’t had a chance to see if the recent changes with Compiz have improved this. I think they may well of done though, at the deficit of slightly jerky pictures.

This might get more help in the bug forum?

Compiz and Renoise have never been good friends, to the extent that we even suggested to remove Compiz in the past, and we also thought about if it was the case to warn the user to switch Compiz off when opening Renoise.

this said, see if increasing Edit => Preferences => GUI => Global => Frame Rate
or unchecking Edit => Preferences => GUI => Global => Enable GUI effects
improves the situation

I was under the impression if Desktop Effects was set to None then Compiz isn’t actually active. Is that not correct?

From talking on the other forums it seems people have managed to get less tearing in video by enabling the Compiz and then setting the VBlank there as well. That is why I tried it and it did seem to improve it in some ways. Just gone back now after not changing a thing (except having a few more windows open) and it’s worse than when I posted before, perhaps worse than ever. Turn Desktop Effects Off then On (medium) again and it goes back to the slightly jerky behaviour.

Tried Frame Rates of 60 and 62 Hz as there sometimes seems to be a discrepancy between which I am actually running at. Is there much point in trying many others?

GUI Effects On/Off seems to make no difference.

Would be willing to try removing Compiz. How would I actually go about it. From my understanding when Desktop Effects are Off you do not use Compiz but use Metalcity instead. Desktop Effects on Medium or High uses Compiz. Is this correct.

Didn’t put in Bugs forum as it’s not Renoise specific. Although I have only really noticed it in Renoise as far as normal programs go I do get tearing in video playback as well. Assume I would if I had spent much time with other audio editors (but to be honest so far I’ve been happier with the one in Renoise than any other I’ve found for Linux.)

Almost tempted to try another distro for a bit. Heard good things about ArchLinux (although far more in depth, especially to get started and set up) and Mint Linux (although it is based on Ubuntu so will most likely have the same problems.)

But then again I’m not doing that much in the Sample Editor (in fact it’s annoying me more when watching videos in bed as I’m not bothering to swap to my XP partition.)

did you try using a framerate in the renoise gui that is exactly half of your monitor refresh rate? so they display frames at the same time.

I think this is right. Thats what I always did anyway.

Have you tried propirety drivers from nvidia?
Oh and mplayer is probably the most configurable video player. There is a vsync setting you can set.(you get the best results from running it from a terminal and adding your settings when you run.
eg “mplayer -vo gl:swapinterval=1 assmunchers.avi” apparently that only works in fullscreen though.and you can save it in the configuration file ~/.mplayer/config .theres probably a default version of that file there once youve installed mplayer.

Hadn’t tried half frame rate, didn’t think it would go so low, have tried the same frame rate though.

as I said tried 173, 185 and 195 drivers from Nvidia.

Something strange seems to be happening lately. It’s not picking up my touchpad settings (no edge scroll) until about five minutes after I’ve booted for some reason. Couple of other weird things here and there which escape me at the moment.

Might try a fresh install at some point and try and get graphics drivers sorted before anything else. I know this is important with Windows. Not sure if to wait for Ubuntu 10.4 or maybe try Mint 8 (or maybe something not Ubuntu related at all, although I am a little used to it now so should maybe stick around Debian at least.)

I’m not entirely sure, but in some laptops, like my dell inspiron1545, the touchpad/camera seem to be connected internally by usb???and i think ubuntu have done some streamling of the boot process to speed it up.maybe they leave non esseentials to boot up late.i wouldnt be suprised if there is a .conf file somewhere with a list of the modules to load at boot, and what order. (/etc/modules??) “lsmod” will show you what drivers are loaded. “modprobe” will load a module…“rmmod” will unload. eg “modprobe b43”(my special aircrack wifi driver) youl probably need to use sudo to play with modules.

you could also do a “lsmod” as soon as you login and see what modules have loaded.then doit again when the edgescrolling is on and see if any new modules were loaded???

“man -k touchpad” will search all documentation for the word touchpad. and print what manuals have it in them. then “man(e.g)renoise”

ive heard good things about puredyne. rt-audio kernel, and well setup for graphics. also based on ubuntu.

Thing is it only recently started not having the scrolling working straight away and all I’ve done is try changing various things to do with the graphics so it seems a little strange. Not too much of a worry. Did have to add a couple of lines in a start-up process to stop the scroll area taking up about a third of the pad and have it remember which zone to start circular scrolling (as the continue scrolling at edge wouldn’t work) and even after adding that it was working instantly at first.

There no multimedia/real time distros based on Red Hat? Seems ot be the Linux base which most commonly comes up with systems relates to my work so could be one worth learning for that reason.

suse or mandriva(i think) are both based on the rpm package format(Red Hat Package Manager) instead of the .deb.i never got these set up for rt-audio,but they do afaik, distribute with some propietry drivers. Fedora is another rpm based distro, but i havent seen rt-audio for it.
I was just looking at opensuse. they have a repository you can add once youve installed ,which apperently provides a rt-audio kernel. http://en.opensuse.org/Additional_YaST_Package_Repositories#JackLab . http://jacklab.org/Website/jacklab.org.html … seems jacklab have finished support for it tho.
yast is suse’s version of a package manager. there seems to be lots of externel package repositorys…nvidia is there too.