Then, welcome to the most comprehensive database of music tracking software on the internet.
Currently it is in an embryo condition, but i do my best to fill it with all needed information, as fast as i can.
I’m working on this project alone, so updating will be quite slow. Please, be patient.
And finally, i can rest assure you, that this insane idea will not be abandoned until all tracker programs on all available platforms released till 2020 will be fully reviewed here.
I am not coder, just using highly tweaked blogger dynamic template.
Currently database filled with only ~10% of information. So, stay tuned!
I don’t try to use it yet, critically have no time despite i am not working now. Interface looks awesome, in 90s fashion. - yep i now. site is mentioned in database already.
I thought all available known trackers would still fit into an excel sheet nicely
It looks quite nice the way it is represented now, including download links.
Still missing a lot of the Amiga classics (protracker, noisetracker, oktalyser, etc)
People, i know-i know-i know. Be patient. I am working on this alone, so hold yer horses. I announce when i finish my database updating process. And then… your suggestions of missing trackers would be VERY-VERY HANDY and appreciated.
When I click labels it gives you categorizes by platform but maybe change the text over the screenshot to the name of the tracker and not a date.
Also when you click a tracker perhaps have a few different screenshots that can be scrolled through with the left/right keys.
I working on it now, dynamic templates of blogger is a complete nightmare. And it is not so easy, if you are not a programmer.
Currently i have a plan to add every tracker possible, then reorganize all info, and only than do some tweaks to interface.
Thanks for links and trackers. I enqueue them into list list.
First suggestion seems to be easy for realisation, but the second one involves blogger lightbox plugin (which is answering for image slideshows) and it is painfully buggy under dynamic templates of blogger, i can’t handle with it right now.
It seems, than on the final stage i will need some programmatic skills to mess around with a code.
dammed I started 88 with the sound tracker on amiga, remixing french kiss…and I had a deluxe sound pro or something like that for sampling, what was a pain in the ass I`m still as fucking bad when it comes to music, but it is still better to have a feeling to create something, as to watch tv or other things…
I mailed him my soundcards… no app supported the amd ultrasound (4MB) or the mediatrix those days But hey - Australia wasn’t very reachable by mail in those days… Nowadays I just own crap, but that’s the way I`d always wanted to go, making something (hopefully, music in one way or the other) out of crap is my opinion to create some sounds and of cause to to indulge my fucking ego
Meanwhile base is filling (i have personal android for dirty work, while i chatting on forum ), tell me what tracker of 90’s have the “bestest” and the neatest GUI? Your options…
Well,Ive nerver been into the visual thnigs. As long as the program worked for me, like Id expected it, it was just fine. I used soundtracker, otcamed, fasttracker, impulsetracker, modplug, buzz, renoise and tested some of the arguru (rip) things like psycle and madtracker. Impulsetracker may have had the worst gui (screamtracker), but worked like a charme those days.