Unable to use UVI Drum Designer

Brief description:

I cannot get Renoise to play a drum loop preset from UVI’s Drum Designer. (In Abelton, this was accomplished by putting a midi note with a long duration in the piano roll, often C-4.)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Assign UVI Workstation to the track. Select Drum Designer within UVI Workstation. Select a preset within Drum Designer.

  2. I record C-4 for the duration that the loop preset will play by holding it down and releasing it.

Expected results: I expect to hear a disco beat for the duration of the note

Actual results: Both during recording as well as during playback, I hear nothing.

Otherwise, I’m having a good time learning Renoise. Thanks.

I wonder if this is down to a simple mismatch in the MIDI note octaves?

Renoise displays the octave slightly differently than Ableton Live (and some other DAWs), with the first note in the MIDI range being shown as C in octave 0, rather than C in octave -1 or -2 as some other DAWs handle it.

So when you’re playing a “C-4” in Renoise and expecting a certain result from UVI Workstation / Drum Designer, the plugin may be attempting to trigger something else like a C-2, or C-3, or C-5, or C-6 etc… so I wonder if you’ve tried playing a different note Renoise instead? Perhaps the mappings are just offset from what you expected?

In general? So it affects every single VST, too? I’m just asking because I figured out that C0 in a VST is C2 in Renoise, so there’s a shift of 2 octaves. In this case I’m talking about the Ample Sound guitar VSTs. which don’t work as expected in Renoise because of this. It may be the same with MIDI, but I can’t tell because I’ve never needed to use MIDI stuff in Renoise.

I have the same issue when triggering pattern changes in Phoscyon, the Octaves are “wrong”.

Success! I used C6 instead of C4 and it worked. This is what TNT did to solve his problem. Thanks dblue, TNT and Mirtzapine Dream.

Glad to hear you got things working!

Re: The earlier comments…

There are 128 MIDI notes numbered from 0 to 127.

It doesn’t matter if you actually use any MIDI gear or not… All VST plugin instruments rely on MIDI note input, so this is simply what gets sent into the VST plugins from Renoise’s pattern editor… i.e. if you put a C 0 note into a Renoise pattern that’s playing a VST instrument, then the instrument receives a MIDI note 0, or a C# 0 is a MIDI note 1, or a D 0 is a MIDI note 2, and so on…

The main problem is there’s no “official” declaration that states with absolute certainty what the first MIDI note should be translated to internally… So if I make a piece of software that decides to handle a particular MIDI note in a certain way, then that’s what you’ll see and experience within the software itself… Maybe I decide to make MIDI note 0 a “C 0”, or maybe I call it “C 1” or “C -2”, or maybe I even call it “F# 7” just to be an asshole.

This doesn’t mean that the MIDI note is necessarily “wrong” or “right”, or being misinterpreted by the software… it just means that the software is showing you… something arbitrary… It might not look right, but does it sound right? If so, then just move on…

Some DAWs label the first MIDI note 0 as C -1, and others label it as C -2, while Renoise labels it as C 0… but it’s all still just MIDI note number zero. I personally prefer to label it as as C 0 because it’s literally the first note in the entire MIDI range, but other software prefers different things…

So anyway… this leads to the confusion here… when you look at the plugin GUI and think “ok, so a C 2 triggers this sound/pattern/whatever, and so I’ll put a C 2 into Renoise”, but that C 2 in Renoise may not always translate to the same note that the plugin is showing you… because your Renoise pattern contains note number X, but that’s being translated internally by the plugin into note number Y… do you get me?

This octave offset is definitely not just a Renoise problem, and it’s not something that you should really consider to be a “bug” or something that needs to be fixed… it’s just… one of those things, I suppose. Every DAW and plugin is different. As @BriocheBaps found, you may just have to shift your note octaves around a bit to get the plugin to behave as expected… and you can even do this in the Plugin Instrument properties to transpose things.

Anyway… Despite all this exhausting nonsense… if you can find a note that does what you want, then just smash the hell outta that note, and don’t worry so much about the stupid quirky differences. :slight_smile:


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Oh yeah for sure mate, its even worse in Reaper as that starts from C -2 and its more messing about lol. Thanks for the explanation, it makes perfect sense.

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Computer Music is STUPID!!!

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Shouldn’t A-4 be 440hz according to well established convention?

(with the risk of opening a can of worms)

Actually, the most spiritual frequency is 432.19578Hz which realigns your DNA with galactic center point, and it’s a new world order globalist conspiracy that changed it to 440 Hz in 1932 in an effort to control humanity’s thoughts through pop music.

Free the MIDI!

I think some people actually believe something close to this :upside_down_face:

444.001 here :slight_smile:

Very good! :+1:

Yes, what I’ve meant is what happens if you’re loading a MIDI file into Renoise, if you drag and drop your composition from a VST into the pattern editor or if you’re connecting Renoise with hardware. I haven’t tried it yet. Anyway, in terms of triggering MIDI notes while working with a VST you have to add 2 octaves within the Renoise pattern editor to make it work. C0 = C2 in Renoise.

Hm, that’s a little confusing imho. If Renoise labels the first MIDI note 0 as C0 and in fact there’s a shift of 2 higher octaves compared to other DAWs, what exactly are other DAWs labeling as C0? Negative MIDI notes or negative octaves as you mentioned above? How is that possible?

Yeah lots refer to -2 Octave, -1 Octave, 2nd Octave, 3rd Octave, etc…

Probably alot of the differences in music applications comes from piano’s
having 88 keys and starting on the A note, as opposed to MIDI which has
128 keys and starts on C note.