The base-note is not updated to the keyrange for the sample-layer that is being dragged into the keyzone area from within the sample-lists.
This is quite a pain to alter manually for each sample individually, specially if you have a whole slew for over three or four octaves and that for covering over 4 or 5 different velocity zones (5412 = 235 manual alterations (5 samples will ofcourse match the default base-note)).
i think my point is different but possibly related. so half-a-hijack here.
you used to be able to actually see the basenote of a sample in the sample properties. now, it seems to be replaced (instead of joined) by the transpose-semitone slider. so, how do i know what the current basenote of my sample is? there is the instrument-basenote in the keyzones-menu, but that is not about the individual sample (right?). i might be overlooking something.
the related thing is that since my example sample, an A4 note, is assigned to the A4 key on the keyboard mapping, i figured it might update it there when moving the transpose-semitone slider. but it doesn’t. so:
- where do i see the sample basenote?
- would it not be logical to (at least optionally) remap the keyboard when changing this value? or would that suck? i’m in doubt about this one.
In the sample-keyzones on the lower-left bottom.
If you select a sample in the list, it will also show the corresponding keyzone assigned to it and with that the base-note. It has always been there, also during the times when the basenotes was duplicated in the sample properties panel, but it became part of the keyzone property now and no longer belongs in the area where you have to set the tone, sync mode etc…
The value changes are applied to the (multiple) zones that you have selected, the zone’s are not adjusting to the value that you set in general (else you would not be able to modify settings for individual zones). However if you would drag zones to other keys, allowing a trigger to automatically update the basenote would be handy.
I wandered against this during the creation of my latest funny english speaking tutorial.
ok, all good, but could you then explain the behaviour of the transpose-slider? should it not update the basenote? counting semi-tones is not really my thing.
edit: and try this:
2 samples. map sample 1 to the entire range, so it fills all the keyzones. click on sample 2, change basenote. click on sample 1 again. that basenote moved too. is this supposed to happen? now, what is the use of sample 2, because i cannot play it, and not change its individual settings either? i figured maybe they’d play at the same time, but that wasn’t so either… so, is this desired behaviour?
Yeah, not obvious for anyone to understand transposing in semitones, but if your base-note for sample 1 would be C-4 but for sample two it would be E-6, the only generic common figure you can use to equally balance out samples having several different basenotes in one go is counting in semitones.
The base-note is linked to the zone that is not only visible but also selected. If you select sample 2 in the sample-list which is not assigned a zone, you will therefore never change the base-note for sample 2. You simply can’t because only the keyzone for sample 1 is visible and selectable it will always automatically be adjustment for sample 1. That the base-note value doesn’t change when you are selecting either sample 1 or 2 in the sample list, is coincidence.
The same goes if you would select multiple keyzones and then starting to change the NNA for the sample in the below list. don’t look surprised if you only change the NNA for the sample that was actually selected.
Explicit choices in both areas are separated to prevent accidental global changes that are unwanted.
The only link is if you select one sample in the list, it also selects the apparent mapped keyzone in the keyzone-area if it exists, then also changing specific keyzone properties shall apply to the selected keyzone.
But it has to be there.
The same goes vice versa:when you select multiple keyzones, you notice that in the sample list, only one sample is selected, not all.