Using A Midi Synth As A Midi Controller

is there any way to use a midi synth as a midi controller for vsts in windows?

obviously i’m assuming i’d be able to play notes and perform standard operations but i’d like to be able to re-assign the midi-cc values of the wheels and knobs and sliders so i can make them do whatever i want.

you can do it with digital performer (check here…formernotes.htm)) but that’s OSX only as far as i’m aware.

is there any way to do this in xp and is latency going to be an issue?

maybe i’m answering my own question here, and i don’t have a synth to test this out, but might it be possible to use various sliders and knobs on the synth (even though their cc values may well be hardwired) and then use midi learn in a program such as reaktor? do all midi synths’ knobs and sliders transmit midi-cc values?

is it possible in renoise to have different midi-cc values control different things. i mean for example, if i were to use a phatboy controller which has the cc numbers of its knobs hardwired as cutoff and resonance etc. could i use to adjust panning and volume in renoise? or lfo speed and osc frequency in a soft synth like z3ta?

does anyone know if adsr faders and vco and vcf controls on old midi synths generally transmit midi data?

cheers for the advice, exactly what i was after :yeah: