i just saw this thread on idmforums
have any1 here tried using this in renoise??
i just saw this thread on idmforums
have any1 here tried using this in renoise??
yeah, reajs you mean? That multi-fx, live scripting thingy? works good here.
yeah thats what i mean,how do you get it working?
when i load the reajs.dll in renoise and press load it says theres no js effects available??
Been a while since I installed that plugin and don’t know anymore. The documentation/install notes should help you with that?
there wasent a documentation/install note in the download,only a setup.exe
i just tried using the reajs.dll in ableton live intro,and there it finds the js effects fine,but it doesent work in renoise
yeah, same here…
I’ve got the plugin .dll plus installation folder files (data folder and effects folder) in my vst(i) plugins folder. Thats all I can see from here, have they got an own forum, maybe a better place to ask?
ok now i also got it working in renoise
the reajs.dll needs to be in the same folder as the data and effects folder
EDIT:now i just need to figure out how i can use the js effects i download from the reaper forum in renoise,when i put them in the effects folder they wont show up
its the same in ableton,i have asked on the reaper forum too
but if any1 here knows that would be nice