Using Renoise as Ozone alternative?

This is probably a dumb idea… but ya know how tools like ozone have waveform editors where you can edit transients and peak-y things? Renoise effectively can do that as well so would it be valid to use Renoise for editing transient peaks before further processing in finished tracks?

Sure. I find myself using Renoise to edit and process samples and even full tracks sometimes. Renoise is really great for editing single track audio (is heart is a sampler, so go figure lol). There are several trivial tasks that I can do absurdly fast in Renoise compared to any other software I use.

If it does what you need it to do and you’re comfortable using it, then of course it is valid for that use. (regardless of whether it was designed with it in mind or whether it is commonly used for that purpose)

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Bus Compressor device is real nice, good to learn; knee and attack/release speeds are really useful!

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yeah, sample level manipulation of audio is fast and easy in renoise! i do it all the time with individual samples (usually optimizing dynamics in percussion samples), and in entire tracks (squashing peaks).

You can also do lots of cool glitch editing in the sample editor, especially with the addition of a few select tools

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