In vanguard I tried to just add a sine, put some delay and activated the arpeggio
and then typed in a simple A-C-E chord on first bar and then an A-C-F chord on
bar 14 (or something, doesnt matter). Sounds ok on first play, but try stopping the song
and then play again - it’s not synced, the arpeggio seems to continue where it was stopped
before, or so I think. Also, when I stop the song I noticed the delay is not there anymore,
it’s like pressing panic.
What am I doing wrong, is there a way to get it synced?
I already tried the retrig-option, but it doesn’t help, however it seems the arp is on sync - it’s really the delay that is the problem. By removing the delay there is no problem. Hmm. I want the delay to sync.