Velocity is shown as second note in keyboard

I guess that’s a feature and not a bug, but how to turn it off?

When playing notes with my midi Keyboard I see a second note in the Renoise keyboard which actually corresponds to the velocity. I have never seen this and how can I turn this off?

I’m a little unclear as I don’t have any screenshots, etc., but isn’t it just a matter of turning Velocities off in the MIDI options?

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Sorry, maybe unclear.

Here’s gif:

Peek 2024-10-25 18-39

I’m always playing C5. The other note you see is the velocity. The harder I play the more on the right it appears.
Switching off velocity switches velocity off, but I want to use velocity. I just want to see it mapped to the keyboard.

How is the pattern displayed?
Is it a problem with Renoise, or does it occur with REAPER, etc. as well?
If you are using the MIDI OUT of a synthesizer or a MIDI keyboard, what happens if you turn off/on (reboot) that device, unplug/replug cables, etc.?

I’ll check. Only happens with Renoise. Reaper and SunVox is fine. That second note is also not played.

A screenshot of the pre-recorded pattern would be helpful to understand.
You may also want to check the connection with qpwgraph or something similar.

There’s no pre recorded pattern, I simply play Note C5. Unplugging the Midi keyboard didn’t help.
when checking in the midi window in Renoise I see only what I play. So that strange thing happens in Renoise.

In other words, you want to see how it would be represented in a real-time recording on the pattern.
You should also have a project file that records the event.
How is MIDI connected?

Possibly it’s an alpha bug. Renoise 3.4.4 is fine. sorry :confused:

Recording the notes I play looks correct, i.e. there are no additional notes recorded that I did not press. So possibly something in the recent alpha version. I’ll already asked at the right place.

Okay. I’m also curious what happens if you use only JACK-midi (red port) without ALSA-MIDI (purple port), but for now, I guess I should just report it in the alpha area.