VHS Tape "Wow & Flutter" with native FX

You can achieve a very nice Wow & Flutter like on old VHS tapes with simple use of native FX. To make it work, you have to use the old Chorus DSP from Renoise <= 3.0.1. This does NOT work with the new chorus DSP! Simply put this on your (usually Master-) mixer-channel [copy the XML to your clipboard and then paste on your mixer track]:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FilterDeviceClipboard doc_version="0">
 <DeviceSlot type="ChorusDevice">
 <SelectedPresetName>Wow &amp; Flutter</SelectedPresetName>
 <Visualization>Device only</Visualization>
 <Visualization>Device only</Visualization>
 <Visualization>Device only</Visualization>
 <Visualization>Device only</Visualization>
 <Visualization>Device only</Visualization>
 <Visualization>Device only</Visualization>
 <Visualization>Device only</Visualization>
 <Visualization>Device only</Visualization>
 <Visualization>Device only</Visualization>
 <Visualization>Device only</Visualization>

To make it wow & flutter now simply do some wild automation on the “Depth” param. Yes, that’s it already. ^^ To check it out, just try it handish, moving the param via GUI, while your track is playing. When setting up your automation, you can also automate the “Rate” param to add even more realism and variation. Just don’t go as wild with it, as you go with the “Depth”. More or less slowly changing Rates between 0.01 and ~ 2.0 Hz sound pretty cool.

To end the effect, simply set “Depth” back to zero, until your next wow & flutter application. :wink:

Edit: I’ve added a (quite extreme) audio example with some random automation. 6916 vhstape.ogg


What an effective trick, seems a bit strange i wasn’t aware of this effect already considering how simple it is.