Found this page of instructional videos for another software package called saw studio. Don`t know if it is of interest to taktik or martinal but it shows how this package deals with different features like automation etc.
If not there is some nice music ( sax + elec guitar etc.) being recorded and mixed, so anyone might pick up a couple of mixing tips they may not know already!
Seems to me this vid doesn’t show much other than how many buttons
they’ve managed to fit in one screen. Using half a minute to repeat ten
times that “if you click the sax track here, you can see the sax track over
there!” isn’t my idea of an informative video. And they didn’t show much
about automation, if any…
Oh well, it was on an off chance anyway, shame there wasnt anything of use to you altho I thought the part about softedge (from the quicktime clips) may have been interesting also. The automation clips 1 + 2 were also from the quicktime videos but Im guessing you saw those.
The way I see it anyway is that it is always good to see other ideas as sometimes they can click wiv an idea you have been having also.
Anyhow picked up a couple of mixing tips (delay etc.) myself.
Absolutely. I just don’t think this video said very much. Some screenshots and a short text would’ve done the same thing, in one instead of six minutes.
Prob an issue for mr Lentini himself. Video is a good way of putting things across ( accepted that you don`t think this was done v well here ). There is something to be said for a picture being worth a thousand words and I think that increases with video + film etc.
I suppose in the case here from what you are saying dl`ing the demo is a better way to get to grips wiv the program and find out what it is fully capable of. This tho would involve more work and may well be dependent on how well you thought the video was done in the first place!
Anyhow not having downloaded the demo myself (I dont particularly intend to for the mo) I cant reccomend it or not.
Well, I don’t doubt that the video is a more effective marketing tool than some screenshots and text would’ve been. Just like a commercial video on TV with little useful information is probably often more effective than actually telling people how your product works.
Well, I don’t doubt that the video is a more effective marketing tool than some screenshots and >text would’ve been. Just like a commercial video on TV with little useful information is probably >often more effective than actually telling people how your product works.
Agree but I think you got me a little wrong here. I was making a point more about video in general rather than inflating saws approach.
Saying that dling the demo was more work to download I was presuming that this would be a lot of extra work fo you personally as im sure you are v busy working wiv renoise. (wasnt talking generally here and guessed you might not really want to dl the demo)
I think thouse videos would have been much easier to look at if that Bob Lentini stoped to sit tilting >his chair all the time
Noticed that aswell myself! Think he was a bit excited about doing his vid!