Vst Fx On/off Midi Remotable

Hello Dev’s,

maybe a little extension of the midi remotable function could extend the live funtionality enormous, if you bind in the vst fx on/off function in the midi remotabale objects.

A little suggestion.



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This would be great, can it be done?

this is interesting. i’m wondering what this actually means. do you want midimapping for device on/off per track? this could be done with lua scripting without issues. so i’ll assume that is what is meant, and work on making it.

all it really needs is a #devices count and dynamically created, let’s say, 1-16 midimappings. press button, device is off, press button, device is back on again. and touchbuttons too, so touch the button/pad, effect is on, let go, effect is off.

could be fun.

so here’s the simplest thing: if a DSP is enabled, then disable it. mappings for DSP Device 1-32 (yes, 1 is 1st device, not the gain-pan-output device)
midi enable with button

ok, added logic so that if there is no such thing as a track dsp device, no error is shot. and even though you can have 1-32 Device activation midi mappings, if there’s say only 4 track dsp devices, then only those are accessible.

this is all hardwired to be selected_track. it would be possible to make it so that there’d be midimappings for specific channels. like, let’s say 32 tracks, 32 devices each. if that makes sense.

but for now, i’ll work on selected_track. instead. now the next step is to make a midiDisableDSP version that just disables.

ok. that’s done. now for the toggle.
DSP Device Toggle button

that was fun. I’ll be adding this to Paketti when i make the bigger update for it.